Alcatraz Pic!Spam

Feb 27, 2012 23:39

Greetings from San Francisco!

trillingstar and I set out on a California road trip and drove up to San Francisco this past weekend. This morning, we visited Alcatraz Prison and roamed the grounds taking photos. We also investigated the cells in the main cell house and spent some time in The Hole (we are an unruly pair, it was inevitable).

Here's a few pics from my iPhone (I took more on my little Nikon for future pic!spam). :)

HELL YEAH they named a cellblock after ♥CD♥.
There was a plaque out of camera range that said, "For her contributions to promoting the penal system, this cell block has been proclaimed 'CD Street' in honor of colleendetroit." 4RLZ, YO.

Love this shot...

Crazy, right?

Where OZ's Murphy & Mineo would hang out...

...and here we have Civil War Beecher minding his balls while Civil War Keller strokes the giant phallic cannon in the distance.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

san francisco, pic!spam, trillingtroit, 5randompicsmeme, yymfmfthisiswhereitgetsweird..., via ljapp, peeps, yingyangcalisploshun, oz, photography

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