Title: Effect
Author: Coley Merrin
Pairing: Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun
Genre: AU, romance
Rating: PG
Summary: The aftermath is what follows, but it also can be what begins.
A/N: You can see this as whatever you would like... is it a followup to
All That I Am? I leave that to you. :)
They debated for some time about where they should go. The merits of the places they looked at. Snuggling cozily in front of a fire versus playing in the water. Windburn versus jellyfish stings. Frostbite or sand in completely unmentionable places.
In the end, they chose they beach. Their clothes were nice, if informal. Neither of them wore ties. Hell, they could barely force themselves into flip flops.
His stomach flip-flopped, though, when Zhou Mi took his hand. The curl of fingers with his, and warmth inside. The man who did the ceremony spoke mostly in a language they didn’t understand. They knew the English part of the ceremony, though Kyuhyun had to laugh at Zhou Mi’s pronunciation...even in the middle of the ceremony. Zhou Mi huffed at him, but never let go. The ring Zhou Mi put on his hand was the one he had worn so long. The ring he gave Zhou Mi was nothing special, except that to see it on that hand lit him up inside. And after they kissed, the kindly man allowing them a second of privacy, he howled some mix of Korean and Chinese as Zhou Mi managed to squeeze him tight and actually lift him off of his feet for a few steps. They were solemn as they went off on their own, laughing and boisterous as they fled down to the beach. The little paper in its folder that tied them to each other safe with their sandals.
“You look even skinnier wet!” he called, as Zhou Mi got doused in the surf.
Zhou Mi’s insult was lost to him as he dunked down as well, rising up with a gasping laugh, spitting salt water and bringing Zhou Mi down with him.
Zhou Mi’s face was bright with love as he tossed a piece of sea flotsam from Kyuhyun’s hair.
“Good thing the water is warmer,” Zhou Mi chattered at him. Zhou Mi, with his wet shirt, and dripping hair.
“Warmer in the water now,” he murmured.
Zhou Mi tasted a bit of the sea, but also of stolen nights and too-hot spices, and the ridiculous candies he was so fond of. Like love and a stolen week and promises that would never be too large to keep. Of friendship he had never expected. Of belonging worth more than anything in his life.
There were people who they would tell where they went who would be upset that they had missed out on a week of fun in the sun. And there would be the people they told about why they went, who would be upset that they had missed seeing the big event.
But they walked back to their seaside hut, with the precious certificate carried by one, and their cheap plastic sandals by the other. And between them, curled hands, and the sly promises of their eyes of what would be after they ate, and showered. And promised a different kind of love, as long as their hands could reach.
“Zhou Mi,” Kyuhyun murmured later that night, the nice sheet more of an air block than a covering on his naked skin. The lump beside him, who had been distractingly stuffing orange pieces into his mouth, stared at the sudden use of his name.
“There’s sand in the bed. Move your feet and you can feel it.”
Zhou Mi did so, experimenting. “Yes. And so…?”
He smirked against the skin of Zhou Mi’s shoulder. “Seems we need to try the shower again.”