[oneshot] Sparkle Motion (Arashi crackfic)

Oct 31, 2008 20:04

I know, two full fics from me in one day; shocking. But a friend requested some Arashi genfic from me and, after getting help from another friend on ideas, I came up with this little piece of crack. Given the subject matter I wanted to get it out by Halloween and, well...! Here we are!

Moderate spoilers for the Twilight book series. Yes, Twilight. ( Read more... )

requests, arashi, crack

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Comments 7

inappropri8 November 1 2008, 05:49:28 UTC
i came for the twilight bashing, i stayed for the crack. seriously, i envy you for never finishing the first book. i read the first one and felt totally obligated to read the rest. i want those hours of my life back that i spent reading those horrid things. once the demon baby was born, i stopped reading that shit.

this was freaking awesome. hilarious. cracktastic. ridiculous. i loved it. i can just imagine it happening. and, you know, totally awesome mental image, that last scene.


coldbloodedfire November 1 2008, 19:27:07 UTC
Ahahaha, see, if I'm reading something and it irritates me I will put it down right then and there. Though I did go back later and read the part about the death baby because, well, that was something that had to be read to believed.

Thank you so much! I was going for it being wacky; I'm glad it lived up to that. ♥


resolute_reader November 1 2008, 13:53:40 UTC
Go Nino! XD

I feel bad for Jun but everyone around me is seriously obsessed with the series and it's nice to know other people noticed she was a Mary Sue. I liked it well enough to finish it but I honestly have problems with it upon reflection (like the way the author spends WAY too much time on cars)

Anyway, the fic. I loved Jun, and the fact that Sho got into it is XD And Ohno, only he would contemplate the meaning of the apple for that long ^^


coldbloodedfire November 1 2008, 19:33:17 UTC
Ah, you are made of stronger stuff than I am. XD

Thank you! I had a friend help me a bit with the planning since she's my own personal walking Arashi dictionary, but we both agreed that Sho would secretly love it and Nino would hate it to death and try to bring fandom wank into it.


chibimui November 1 2008, 23:06:20 UTC
Love this story, not only for the crack but also the way you portray twilight through the form of Nino. I love Nino in this story xD I seriously wish I could get the hours of my life back that I spent reading the first 3 novels, I haven't touched the 4th after reading the wiki summary.

Seriously hilarious, I can totally imagine this happening. Jun with the idea, Nino being a bastard about it, Sho totally getting hooked, Aiba being scared, and Ohno.. oh Ohno.. at the end? Hahaha xD Riida <3.


takteng_kamote November 2 2008, 07:03:44 UTC
Haha! This was hilarious! Why oh why would Jun ever think of starting an arashi book club?! and starting it off with Twlight of all things? XD

I loved the last line XD


tinahyena November 5 2008, 07:55:13 UTC
bwuahahahaha omg. this was hilarious. i, unfortunately, read the whole series. why? because i read the first book and i'm kinda ocd about finishing a series if there is one. the last book was so ridiculously cliched and full of sappy vomit. be thankful you stopped when you did.

of course oh-chan would be more interested in the cover than the actual book. sho-chan is such a girl. lol at aiba for the whole baby scene. i love nino's view on the book(seriously...he sparkles) and that he spoiled it for everyone.

jun would never leave arashi for kat-tun cuz bakanishi is such a baka and jun can't handle ueda looking gayer than him and kame's meticulously groomed eyebrows.

news he might be able to deal with, but i think he would end up killing tegoshi cuz he's just to cute for his own good and he would feel smothered with all of koyama's member-ai.


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