Apr 21, 2012 11:08

If you blink (and you will), you'll miss it. Me -- not ever understanding LJ or that Five Acts thing in the least, like never, not in what? two years, witty, swarthy, clever me -- I came upon daria234's Five Acts post, which has been up for a while but I missed it.  And yes, as I think I do EVERY FUCKING TIME, I misunderstood the whole process and instead ( Read more... )

kink: anal sex, pairing: peter/neal, kink: come play, white collar, fic rec, kink: spanking

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Comments 2

rabidchild April 21 2012, 22:39:45 UTC
heh - "go forth and bunk"

I'll read it later, but I just had to smirk over that line.


coffeethyme4me April 21 2012, 23:34:19 UTC


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