Apr 21, 2012 11:08

If you blink (and you will), you'll miss it. Me -- not ever understanding LJ or that Five Acts thing in the least, like never, not in what? two years, witty, swarthy, clever me -- I came upon daria234's Five Acts post, which has been up for a while but I missed it.  And yes, as I think I do EVERY FUCKING TIME, I misunderstood the whole process and instead of writing something for HER that is in proper alignment with her kinks, I, in my infinite fail cleverness, asked HER to write a fic for ME!  And then she DID!!!  Because she's wonderful like that.

And it's AMAZING!  It's Peter fucking Neal and spanking him at the same time, but as usual, typical Daria, it's just way, way more than that intellectually, plus there's bonus come!play!

Go read it!  Comment!  Drool!  Go forth and bunk!


kink: anal sex, pairing: peter/neal, kink: come play, white collar, fic rec, kink: spanking

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