Fic: BSG: I am your brother (your best friend forever)

Dec 08, 2009 23:01

Title: I am your brother (your best friend forever)
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Pairing: Kara/Lee (implied), otherwise it's all the Brothers Adama
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimers: AU, baby! Spoilers through Daybreak II, just to be safe. This isn't for profit, just for fun. All characters & situations belong to RDM, David Eick, Sci-Fi, NBC Universal and their various subsidiaries. Title from a song by the incomparable Renaldo Lapuz, which I also had nothing to do with.
A/N: Thanks to leiascully for beta work! Third installment of a WIP that started with "anything other than stay is go," written for the most recent round of bsg_pornbattle. Second part is here, and this runs contemporaneously to part two. Subsequent chapters are:
04. once in awhile, when it's good, it'll feel like it should. Lee/Kara, AU, PG-13.
05. make up your mind to have no regrets. Lee/Kara, AU, R.
06. so this is Christmas. Lee/Kara, Zak/Dee, Adama/Roslin, Sam/OC, AU, PG-13.
07. this is easy as lovers go. Lee/Kara, PG-13.
And Prequel Comment!Fic here. First date, Lee/Kara, PG-13.

Zak can't really come to a decision about whether or not Sam's occasional visits to his classroom are a good idea. On the one hand, the kids love him, and he wants them to have the chance to meet more people like Sam, who are caring and generous and kind and level-headed, who make good decisions, who are famous without winding up half-naked and blitzed out of their minds on the kind of drugs you can only afford if you're famous.

On the other hand, the kids love him, and they're mostly uncontrollable for the rest of the day, and the kids have what they've been calling "fucking scary" standardized tests coming up. They've been doing test prep at Zak and Dee's for two weeks now. His father likes to call in the middle of it and ask his daughter-in-law how their very own Stand and Deliver situation is going. Dee likes to accidentally miss his calls. Zak would be irritated, but that's more Lee's particular milieu, and anyway, he knows the Old Man is proud of all three of them.

All the same, he's happy that Sam's down for the weekend, with no chance to disrupt class but every opportunity for the two of them to fill up Lee's digital voicemail with messages. Zak and Sam have a theory that for all his blustering about how his office voicemail is "for clients only,you assholes," Lee actually appreciates the calls.

It's only noon on this fine Saturday, and they've already hit the message that tells them that Lee's inbox is full, so they laugh their way into the cafe around the corner from Zak and Dee's and order up a plate of celebratory burgers and fries.

"Fifty bucks says he told her," Zak declares, shoving half of a burger into his mouth.

Sam shakes his head and pops open his drink. "You're on," he laughs. "Lee's gotta know better by now."

Zak's mouth is still full, but that doesn't stop him from expressing his disbelief. "This is Lee we're talking about, bro," he mumbles, managing to down the rest of the burger between his sentences. "Lee, who declared he would never love another after whatsherface broke his heart in the fourth grade. What the hell was her name? Erin?"

"No, no, man, you're way off, that was his first year of law school," Sam corrects. "Remember?"

"Is that the one that--"

"Left him for another woman? Yep," Sam nods. "Paulla? Was it Paulla?"

"No, no, that was what, seventh grade? With the sonnets. God, I forgot all about her."

"God knows how. What was her name?"

"It'll come to me," Zak promises, tapping his index finger against his temple. "All I can remember right now is Lee in his little three-piece suit, reciting Shakespeare on the back porch into Dad's video camera." He runs a hand through his hair and clears his throat. "In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes, for they in thee a thousand errors note," he quotes, sighing. "He really could have picked some better poetry. Byron, for God's sake, Lee." He makes a clucking noise and bogarts Sam's French fries while his brother isn't looking.

"No one knows you take after the Old Man," Sam grins. "It's okay."

"I'm not ashamed. I quoted decent poetry at my wedding."

"And you cried, you big sap," Sam says, tossing a pickle at Zak.

"Dee still makes fun of me," Zak grins. He throws the pickle back. "Lovingly, of course. Oh, speaking of my wife, she wants to know if you picked your tux out yet," Zak asks, running a napkin over his mouth. "For your first big fancy awards show as a big fancy musician. Dee's got an old college buddy in the Village who does good work."

"Let me guess," Sam laughs. “You already told your friend I'd do it.”

Zak just grins impishly at him and chugs the rest of his soda. "Margaret!" He shouts suddenly, and the people near them turn around to look their way. "Sorry," he says, waving at the other patrons. "But that was her name."

"Well, glad we settled that. Hey! Dude, you took my fries," Sam accuses. "And do you hear music?" He looks around the restaurant. "I swear, somebody's playing Jimi Hendrix in here."

"Great, you're hallucinating. First the fries, now the music. More side effects of the sudden onset of fame," Zak laughs, then frowns and reaches into his pocket just as the last traces of a guitar solo fade out. "Oh, shit, my bad. It was my phone." He peers at the display. "Ha!" he crows. "Speak of the devil. That was Lee. Probably leaving a voicemail, the loquacious little bastard."

"Why do I get the feeling that I'm about to owe you fifty bucks?"

The phone beeps at them. "Aaaand voicemail," Zak grins, flipping the phone open and toggling the speaker switch. "Also, I did take your fries, and I'm not sorry."

Sam starts to speak, but Zak waves his hand at the phone and Sam shuts up.

"I told her," Lee's voice announces proudly through the phone, and Zak lifts his hand in a victorious gesture while Sam rolls his eyes and makes a show of pulling out his wallet and counting bills.

"Everything went great," Lee is saying, and they can practically hear the smile on his face. "Guess it just goes to show you that I should never have asked for your advice in the first place! I think I'm gonna ask her to come to the cabin for Christmas. Oh, fuck me," Lee's voice says, "I think she heard that. Um, listen, I' you later, okay?" There's a pause and a scuffle, and they can hear their brother's voice of protest. "Hey, Kara, dammit, what--!"

"Lee's indisposed," says an amused female voice. "He'll call you back."

"End of message," the phone announces, and they collapse against their seats.

"Best fifty bucks I ever spent," Sam manages through his laughter, and Zak tosses him a mock salute with one hand and wipes tears away with the other.

"Absolutely. Let's get outta here and go annoy my wife," Zak proposes, and they pay their tab and shuffle off down the sidewalk, cackling the whole way.

fic, fic: bsg

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