Fic: BSG: we'll be dreaming ways to keep the good alive

Dec 08, 2009 21:47

Title: we'll be dreaming ways to keep the good alive
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Pairing: Kara/Lee
Rating: PG-13 (just some nudity and language, this time)
Disclaimers: AU, baby! Spoilers through Daybreak II, just to be safe. This isn't for profit, just for fun. All characters & situations belong to RDM, David Eick, Sci-Fi, NBC Universal and their various subsidiaries. Title from a song of John Mayer's, which I also had nothing to do with.
A/N: Second installment of a WIP that started with "anything other than stay is go," written for the most recent round of bsg_pornbattle. Thanks to leiascully for beta work! Subsequent chapters located:
03. I am your brother (your best friend forever), the Brothers Adama (Zak and Sam), AU, PG-13.
04. once in awhile, when it's good, it'll feel like it should. Lee/Kara, AU, PG-13.
05. make up your mind to have no regrets. Lee/Kara, AU, R.
06. so this is Christmas. Lee/Kara, Zak/Dee, Adama/Roslin, Sam/OC, AU, PG-13.
07. this is easy as lovers go. Lee/Kara, PG-13.
And Prequel Comment!Fic here. First date, Lee/Kara, PG-13.

On Saturday morning Lee wakes up naked and alone, sprawled sideways across Kara's platform bed. He doesn't know what he expected, exactly, but he feels like an idiot, and it's fucking cold, and nothing is ever going to be okay again. He should have listened to his brothers. He wonders if Zak and Dee are busy tonight, because he tries not to drink alone if he can help it.

"Let's get drunk and prank-call Sammy," Zak will inevitably say, because that's what he always says in these situations, and Lee will tacitly agree by pouring their first shots. Sam will play along, or he'll enlist his wife to play along, because they're family and for family, their father has always insisted, you let these things slide. After a few hours the nonsense will degenerate into inebriated incoherence and they'll pass out on Zak's couch to the tune of some third-rate cable movie that is only funny in these situations. They'll wake up the next morning nauseated and uncomfortable but warm enough under the blankets that Dee was kind enough to sling over them, and Zak will insist that they have an enormous greasy breakfast, because he saw this on an episode of Brainiac and it totally counteracts hangovers, and that's science, dammit. So they'll choke down some eggs and bacon and Lee will drive himself home, leaving his brother to the tender loving care of his wife while he soldiers on alone.

The thought of it almost brings a smile to his face, but then he remembers where he is, flat on his back in somebody else's bed, somebody else who was supposed to be here when he woke up. For fuck's sake, he thinks, this isn't even my apartment, I can't just leave. What if someone breaks in? I might be liable, and won't that be just what I need.

Lee is still lying there, feeling good and sorry for himself and trying to figure out what the hell to do next, when Kara pushes open the bedroom door, balancing two styrofoam cups in her hand.

"Fuck me, are you not awake yet? Get your ass out of my bed, Adama, I've got shit to do today." She grins at him, the expression lopsided but friendly. "Kinda makes me regret making you breakfast," she jokes, gesturing to the coffee.

He lifts his head and stares at her. "Kara?"

"No, Lee, it's the Ghost of Christmas Past," Kara teases, tapping her toe impatiently as he struggles to sit up. Lee manages not to leap out of bed and tackle her in his joy.

Kara hands him the cups of coffee, then flops onto the bed and fishes a prepackaged bear claw out of her jacket pocket. "Breakfast," she says, taking one of the cups back and ripping the package open with her teeth.

Lee lifts the lid of his cup and sniffs at the hot liquid inside. "Convenience store coffee?" he laughs. "You are one-hundred percent class, Thrace."

"I'm living the dream," she tells him, mouth full of pastry. She washes it down with some coffee. "You want some?"

"Yeah," he says, but when Kara hands it over he tosses it onto the table beside the bed and leans forward to kiss her instead, careful not to upset their drinks. He manages, mid-kiss, to take her cup from her without spilling a drop.

"Lee," she asks, as he swivels away to set the cups down, "what are you doing?"

"I believe the first words you said to me when you walked in here were, 'Fuck me,'" Lee reminds her, hands roaming over her back and slipping under the tail of her shirt, smiling when his fingers find bare skin. "I'm just following orders."

She pulls him toward her, then pushes him down onto the bed with a wink and smile. "You're gonna be trouble, aren't you," she says, no room for argument between the tone of her voice and the distracting pressure of her body against his as she climbs on top of him.

"Everyone has a skill, Kara," Lee says, grinning like an idiot and flat on his back on her bed again but hardly caring, now that the comforting weight of the woman he loves is what's pressing him into the mattress, rather than the force of his own despair. Before he can say another word, Kara has stripped off her shirt and her jacket, and he thinks, as she bends to kiss him, that this is going to be a very good Saturday.

lee adama, fic, fic: bsg

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