♚ Mask Of Innocence/ prologue

Nov 25, 2010 18:58

Mask Of Innocence
Seo Joo-Hyun wore her mask of innocence around like how she wore her heart on her sleeve.......
Starring: Seo Joo-Hyun (as the maknae of the nation) & Jung Yonghwa (as the jerk-face of the nation).

Prologue )


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Comments 17

haeanna November 25 2010, 09:48:32 UTC
I'm uh-so-excited!!
you should..no you MUST continue this..*bribes with some internet cookies*

I see drama there.. not that I'm complaining..

p/s: where's the one shot? does it turn to this already? :)


coffeeinlove November 25 2010, 09:57:31 UTC
I was typing away and then it hit me so my one-shot turned into chapter 1 haha
I'm glad you're excited for this, I'm really nervous since it's my first on-going fic.
I don't know if it will be receive well, please gives it lots of love, ne? >


haeanna November 26 2010, 12:27:27 UTC
haha. so you decided to make it chaptered. don't be nervous. you write because you love to, right? and because yongseo is so love so I think that's enough as your boost of vitamin. receiving lots of love is just a BONUS.

about Seohyun's character..although you write as if she's one of tough swearer, I don't mind it all. It maybe important to write character as spot-on but it depends on which story plot you are heading to..afterall, this is fanfiction.. imagination knows no boundaries..

will be waiting next chap with patient. *fighting*


coffeeinlove November 26 2010, 22:20:55 UTC
thank you for your support, anna!
I will update asap *hugs*


mountainmadman November 25 2010, 14:22:34 UTC
Very interesting beginning...although I have to agree with Trent, Seohyun just doesn't seem very...likeable, hahaha. It's always important to have the audience able to identify with the main character. :D

Looking forward to what happens...write more. :)


coffeeinlove November 25 2010, 20:16:46 UTC
I'll do better next time ><
but I'm over the moon that you're looking forward to more ^^


iceteacream November 26 2010, 07:13:38 UTC
Gogumaaa! lol

An interesting beginning. I love maknae's personality in this fanfic XD and YongHwa sounds hot here~ *a bad ass' lover*

looking forward to this~ ^^


coffeeinlove November 26 2010, 07:40:24 UTC
lol 'bad ass lover'
finally someone who like her personality here, glad you're looking forward to it <333


weedjung November 27 2010, 04:27:51 UTC
OMG, that's awesome.
I love Goguma couple much.
Can't wait for your fic >"


coffeeinlove November 27 2010, 04:34:02 UTC
I saw your post from somewhere cause I know your username.............hmmm
anyways, I'm glad you're looking forward to my fic, I will post chapter 1 soon :)
I'll be adding you as friend, hope you don't mind.

Who doesn't love Goguma couple? XD


forevermyworld December 1 2010, 15:05:02 UTC
hiiiiiiii! ahah.

so yes, totally continue! Though SH doesn't seem to nice, I respect your portrayal of her, your fic, your rules. keep writing :)


coffeeinlove December 1 2010, 20:10:13 UTC
don't worry, later on there will be explanation on SH's attitude haha
probably will continue :)


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