Title Tesoro mio (Eng. My treasured one/My darling)
Theme October 13: Even though the whole world is kidnapped by loneliness @
31_daysCharacter/Pairing Hayato Gokudera/Haru Miura, Tsunayoshi Sawada and Takeshi Yamamoto
Rating PG or K+
Warning Spoilers for my other drabbles.
Wordcount 850
'He treasures you.' )
Comments 4
i like this one, though i'm not sure that i correctly understand why gokudera left after haru actually agreed with his decision...
After all of the progress Haru thought they were making, she is still number two on his list. Even after she confessed that she loves him, he didn't even try to talk to Haru about what she would want. That made her understand that even though Gokudera means the world to her, Tsuna is still (and maybe always) at the top of Gokudera's list of priorities.
I think the misunderstanding was my fault. It was hard for me to word things properly. I think writing it from Gokudera's POV instead of Haru's might have helped, too. :(
She gives him a weak nod, then turns her attention back to the still-swinging door of the kitchen. Her heart calls quietly after Gokudera, resonating in their shared but separate loneliness.
this bit was especially heartbreaking. oh haru :( the 'shared but separate loneliness' is accurate. it makes me sad. gokudera, you butt.
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