But Liquor is Quicker Supernatural Dean/Jo; R 1,500 words A/N: for my Valentine, a few minutes late. From her prompt, which was "candy hearts. Take that in any way you will." Thanks to killerweasel and walkawayslowly for read-through.
OH. This is lovely. I think...it's very intensely hot but it's really HER characterization that I love. It's strong, the best I've seen. She's alive in here, not whiny or GIRLISH or butch or macho. But Jo with DEPTH. I appreciate it. It's so much easier to just write her off, or write her like a stereotype...But you take the time to put MORE into it, and make her alive. And interesting. And sympathetic. But not PATHETIC. You know??
dude, i'm a little speechless, here. i'm glad that you saw so much depth of character in what was meant to be a mostly silly piece (although it did get away from me a little, but i think it's better for it, that there's some emo to balance it out). it's like, i wanted her to be all and none of those things, because that's how i see her, you know? she IS whiny and girlish and at least *tries* for tough; she's *complicated*, and in the context of this kind of relationship, with someone like dean, all those things are amplified, but none of them singularly *define* her. wow, was that wanky?
and HAIR PULLING FTW. i can't even deal with how insanely hot i find that image. seriously.
This was hot and terribly sad, too! I like Jo, and I'm pretty sure that yes, Dean wouldn't think twice if she offered her bed, and he wouldn't think twice about leaving right away once the deed is done, because she knows how their life is and he just wouldn't 'think', not about her anyway. I love that she's furious with him and yet unable to really hate him, or hate him enough to consider not letting do this again, if he comes back. It's a complicated (un)balance you found here: I love it :D
thank you! i can so easily picture something like this for them, blowing in out of each other's lives, dean just completely oblivious and jo just so ANGRY, at herself as much as at him, but unwilling to turn him away because she *wants* him so badly, any way she can have him. and that IS sad, for both of them.
i tell ya, i had a bitch of a time trying to figure out how to make this prompt work, but i think it was worth the wait for the CACKLE i let out at the idea of jo pelting dean with candy hearts. :)
Comments 59
Oh, that was just too damn good.
Loved that she threw candy hearts at him. Love that he doesn't get it. Loved the last line!
Pretty much loved the whole thing!!! Jo is such an interesting character. Nice job!
and HAIR PULLING FTW. i can't even deal with how insanely hot i find that image. seriously.
It's a complicated (un)balance you found here: I love it :D
thank you!
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