
Apr 14, 2008 19:33

Shameless use of a different icon for the moment, whilst I gaze in adoration at Tennant. Ahem.

Some pondering on Doctor Who, Torchwood and fandom things. Oh. May contain some (very) minor spoilers. )

real life, squee, rant, dr who, tv recs, soap box

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Comments 23

dancesontrains April 14 2008, 20:34:30 UTC
has anyone else noticed that Who!Jack and Torchwood!Jack seem to be like two different characters?

Yes, quite a few people.

You should see doctorwhy for the definitive emo!Ten and I'm not just saying this because the artist is on my f-list.

And loves_them_all is one of my favourite Who comms as well; at the moment they're having a month of people posting about their favourite companions, so it's not just fic.


cobalt_violet April 15 2008, 08:54:07 UTC
Good, glad I'm not the only one to have noticed the many personalities of Cap'n Jack.

Oh my goodness, thank you for linking to doctorwhy - I absolutely adored it. Especially the Doctor complaining abot the Tardis trying to get him killed, and Torchwood and the lightbulb, and...actually, no, I just adored all of it. (And have since gone on to devour tw_babiez as well.)


katewonder April 15 2008, 09:05:01 UTC
Doctorwhy is win. Thanks for recommending it. :D The Torchwood changing a lightbulb one was brilliant.


katewonder April 14 2008, 22:04:35 UTC
I agree with your Whorelated ramblings. Completely. Especially about Tennant being excellent and awesome. :D

And poor Ianto. I agree there too. *squishes him*


cobalt_violet April 15 2008, 08:55:08 UTC
Tennant is made of all things shiny and wonderful. XD I was really shocked when I discovered so many people didn't like him.

Poor dear Ianto. *Pats his head*


katewonder April 15 2008, 08:56:31 UTC
People don't like him? Where is this crazy side of the internet? I think he's fabulous! So does everyone else I know... *scared*


cobalt_violet April 15 2008, 09:02:57 UTC
I know, I know. These strange people. Oddly enough I stumbled across all the Tennant hate on a newspaper's website. There was an article discussing Saturday night's TV, and then people were all 'Oh yeah, but we loathe Tennant. Bring back a real Doctor'. There were about forty people all ranting about how they wanted someone like Tom Baker back. o.0;


ummm, this is completely unrelated nanaochan19 April 14 2008, 23:41:13 UTC
only you said i could introduce myself... and i really don't know if lj HAS a messaging system... (i'm brand new here, lol ( ... )


Re: ummm, this is completely unrelated cobalt_violet April 15 2008, 09:00:55 UTC
No, no, I definitely asked for introductions so thank you very much! (It's always nice to meet new people on your friends list. :D) I do apologise for making you get a LJ though - I keep forgetting to post all my fic on FF.Net as well. Still, glad they're (kind of) easily accessible!

Yes, yes, I know, Teacher's Pet. XD I keep meaning to update it, and still haven't found time to sit down and bash out the next chapter. Especially given I know it's quite close to being finished. This year's the year, I promise. It will be complete! (And I'm glad you like Sinn and Mars too - I was so worried when I first introduced those two that people would hate original characters in a fanfic.)

I've never watched Bleach, but one of my friends adores it, so I vaguely know what it's about. Nevertheless I look forward to seeing some of your fic! :)

Thanks for the introduction!


Re: ummm, this is completely unrelated nanaochan19 April 15 2008, 12:55:08 UTC
YAY! and no big deal about the lj.... lol. i don't mind it. it's another good way to waste time, 'specially with all the challenge communities out there... ^^

YAY! nice to know teacher's pet is not forgotten..... (i had discovered your ffnet and thought it might be abandoned....) and to be honest, pretty much every fanfic needs good ocs..... well, sometimes there are enough regulars to compensate, but a good oc is a lovely addition. ^^ plus, it gives you lots of plot bunnies.... *grins*

ahhhh, bleach. it's fun. i'd like to think all three of my stories are pretty different.... but i guess that's just personal opinion... (well, i think so, but it doesn't mean others will...lol) but the hp fic is already posted.... the chapters are in order, though they aren't numbered... in the blood and secrets tag. it's not all that long yet, but hey, maybe it will be? ^^ one chapter left to post before i'm caught up and i'm halfway through the next one... (the chapters tend to be short).


you're welcome! *dances*


poisonousintent April 15 2008, 04:21:25 UTC
You'd think it'd be your story posts, Alex/Heph posts, or classical love that would pull me out of lurkdom. But no, Dr. Who love and the possibility of reading about Kitz/Val fairly soon did it. (That and the fact that I re-discovered how easy the friend's page is for updates and realized I had an lj.)

If you can't tell, I'm excited for more Moonstone. :3.

(Random intro: I got hooked on Obsidian Rhapsody. Rediscovered your stories recently while going through old links, followed profile link to your livejournal, promptly devoured Sinn/Mars fics and Moonstone, dicovered love for Kitz/Val and was prompted into lurkdom. I'm also a classics minor/AchillesXPatroclus nerd, so I love reading about Alex/Heph, since I never realized the parallels between the relationships.)


cobalt_violet April 15 2008, 09:08:48 UTC
Well, glad you're out of lurkdom! (And the fact that it was Who!love and Moonstone that pulled you out makes it even better. :D) More Moonstone very, very soon by the way, because Kitz was being a demanding little sod and poking furiously at my brain when I should really have been working.

(Thanks for the random intro - and may I just say how delighted I am to have another Classicist on the journal! And yes, the parallels between Alex/Heph and Ach/Pat are amazing. I'm really surprised no one's written on it, especially given the whole running around the tombs at Troy business that Alexander and Hephaistion went in for. XD Random rec for you: greek_love is an Ach/Pat community. I think they sometimes have Alexander related discussions too.)


poisonousintent April 15 2008, 17:46:01 UTC
I'm glad Kitz was so agressive. I <3 how you tie random bits of historical court structure into Moonstone, and then add a motorbike!

My professor acutually suggested that community to me, which is kind of hilarious. Thank you for the random rec! From what I recall I've only known one person to have written about the parallel in Classical academia: Claude J. Summers, Homosexuality and Renaissance Literature, or the Anxieties of Anachronism. (I think you can find it online, if interested.) It's a really boring article until you get to the Ach/Pat and Alex/Heph bits. There's some Apollo/Hyacinth in there too. But, focusing just on that parallel would make for an interesting thesis..hmmm.


cobalt_violet April 15 2008, 22:37:07 UTC
Lol, I'm glad you like the motorbike, although poor Val's missing his at the moment, bless him. Sadly I can take no credit for the historical court structure, it just appeared in my head and that was it. (Besides, it would seem Kitz couldn't be anything but a prince - he's too bossy. XD)

Oh my gosh! Your professor suggested that community to you? That's completely cool. Dare I ask who s/he was? I'm definitely going to check out your rec - is it a book or a journal article? Another work that makes some reference to the parallels of Ach/Pat and Alex/Heph is a book by James Davidson: The Greeks and Greek Love. There's a huge chapter devoted to each couple, and then a nice neat cross-examination.

I'll leave that thesis to you, but I await the results eagerly. ;D


keeperofdestiny April 15 2008, 11:03:52 UTC
I was annoyed in TW series 2, coz I thought jack wud be back to happy!jack, flirting with absolutely anything. And then he was emo again, tut. I figured he no longer had a reason to pine...

I shall wait and see before I judge Rose's return- one random appearance and fade is not enough for mw to spectulate, only enough to spazz over ^-^

And I love ten! He is so cute and clumsy, but when need be, he makes all the same 'this is for the future' decisions that hes suposed to as the last (good) timelord. Wonderful.


cobalt_violet April 15 2008, 11:38:14 UTC
Oh same here. I gave up on series 2 of TW in the end, because I was profoundly annoyed by emo!Jack. He'd found the Doctor again, for crying out loud - you'd think the man would be happy, but noooo. (Unless he was regretting his decision not to go time travelling again.)

Ah, I squeed over Rose's return too but I was simply speculating because I have the sneaking suspicion they may pull a stunt like getting rid of her again, which would be bad, bad, bad in my opinion. ;_;

Ten = love in all ways. He's adorable, isn't he? You just want to pat him on the head.


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