hello, monday

Aug 28, 2006 14:05

hi! i had things to say, but no idea what they were. this is probably because i was on call for work all yesterday, where by "on call" i mean "actually on the telephone in a conference call" and by "all yesterday" i mean "from 8am until 7pm". and then i had to get up and be at work at 8am this morning.

some of you work like this all the time, and i'll never understand you at all.

anyway! there's a meme that a bunch of cool kids are doing, and since i have nothing else to say i think i'll pick this as one of my rare joining-in memes. give me a five-things prompt and i will give you some sort of answer. i like bravecows' version, which asks for the top five things of a fictional character (ray kowalski's top five reasons why canada isn't so bad as all that or alphonse elric's top five excuses accepted by colonel mustang's staff for his brother's big mouth), and jmtorres' version, which asks for five times something happened to a fictional character (five times blair sandburg cooked breakfast for his roommate without particularly meaning it as a courtship ritual or five times tim drake was called a stalker when seriously he just happened to be in the area), but i can probably work with any five things....

in other news, conqueror of shambala was a joyous squeeful thing. i went by myself but it was a theater full of fanboys and fangirls -- including one winry cosplayer! -- and the movie is awesome on the big screen. it is, however, not likely to show up on big screens very often; i know it had a theatrical release in japan, but it looks like it's going straight to dvd in the states aside from this weekend, which makes me sad. but oh, emo [spoiler character], you knew [spoiler character] couldn't be dead! you waited all this time! you make me so happy.

memes 'r'nt us, alchemical and full of metal

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