Infatuated Hearts ch.7a

Aug 14, 2008 13:32

title: Infatuated Hearts.
length: chaptered 7a/?
rating: overall R; this chapter: R.
pairing: [main] jaemin.
summary: Changmin's parents are on another business trip. He has to go live with his nanny who takes care of an orphanage. What happens when Changmin has to live with his rejected love and his boyfriend & 3 other guys, one who is desperately after him.

a/n: Sorry for the long wait. T_T's a long[er] chapter. xP
previous chapters: one // two // three // four // five // six.

“Damn boys and their stupid…” Heechul mumbled angrily. “It’s always the straight looking ones.” He continued cursing his now ex-boyfriend. He swore to himself never to fall for another straight-looking boy.

“Why are we doing this?” Hankyung questioned Heechul after parking his car across the orphanage.
“Just shut up and keep watch!” Heechul shoved him aside. Hankyung never understood the whole “gay” thing since he was engaged with his girlfriend of 3 years now. But Hankyung was one of the few people that accepted Heechul after his first step out of the closet.

“It’s a good thing Yunho never asked for the keys back.” Heechul smiled to himself. He opened the door and locked himself in. “Now, where the hell…Ahh.” He spotted the open door leading the Jaejoong’s room. “You’re going to pay bitch.”

Heechul took one look at Yunho’s door before shaking his head towards his goal. He invited himself in and had a look around. He looked into what seemed to be a closet.

“…Whoa…” He took a step back and spotted a jewelry box by Jaejoong’s bedside.

Rokkugoh! Rokkugoh! Heechul nearly jumped out of his body. Damnit.

He answered his phone, “WHAT!?”
“GET OUT! They’re home you idiot!” Hankyung screamed into his ear.
“Ahh shi-” Heechul hung up and grabbed the box. He examined each window for an escape route. He figured it’d be easy to get out of the new room’s window since it was near a stone wall, stable enough for him to escape.

He didn’t notice he dropped something till he tripped over it pushing it under a desk. He heard footsteps coming closer, he had no time to retrieve it, not now.


“Joongie. I want you to have this, okay?” She presented to Jaejoong. “Since I know you love collecting little rocks, you can put them here. And the prettiest ones in here.” She turned the box over uncovered a secret opening.

“Thank you, mommy!!!” The little boy ran to his rock collection and immediately placed all the nicest rocks on the bottom of the box.

As the little boy grew up, all the little rocks were soon replaced with diamonds and gold among other things.

After his mother had left, he took pieces of scrap paper or paper bags and wrote his every day adventures on it. He’d write what new alcoholic drinks he’s tried, things he stole to what drugs he liked and which girls he fucked, if he could remember their name.

Yunho noticed Jaejoong’s room filled with papers and small makeshift books bind together with staples. So, he gave Jaejoong a journal for his birthday. With that, he kept it in his secret compartment in his jewelry box. No one would find there.


Heechul jumped into Hankyung’s car. “Wait.” Heechul placed held his friend‘s hand from starting the car. Through the window, he saw Yunho hug a hysterical Jaejoong. “Bastard.” Heechul mumbled. “Drive.” He demanded.

As night fell, so did Changmin. He continued examining the newfound journal from the most recent entries backwards. He read each entry word by word not missing a single detail enough times he could’ve recite the entries by memory. He knew there would be so many more people in the world with the initials “S.C.” like Santa Claus. But he felt that this “S.C.” concerned him.

Was it always here? Changmin wondered. The more he examined the entries, the more he fell in love with this mystery person. He figured it must’ve belonged to someone in this house and so, he went to Yunho.

Knock, knock. “Hyung?” Changmin called from outside the door.
“Coming!” He heard Yunho shout right before the door swung open.
“…Um, are you and Heechul…officially…” Changmin shifted his eyes and looked uncomfortable in his position holding the journal behind his back.
“Over?” Yunho finished.
“…yeah…” Changmin looked up eagerly awaiting his answer.
“I don’t want it to be, why?” Yunho responded slightly on the cold side.
“Have you…ever…” Changmin shifted his eyes again before shoving the journal into Yunho’s face, “Is this yours!?” Changmin rushed out the words looking away as if someone were to hit him. Yunho gasped as the sudden change of subject.

He recognized that book. He covered his mouth in shock. Yunho looked around to see if anyone else saw. He sighed in relief until he heard a door open. Yunho quickly pulled Changmin by the arm causing their lips to collide.


Jaejoong laid in bed appearing ever so calm. But inside, his stomach was turning, mind was racing and heart was pounding. He needed his journal, it practically reenacted his whole life. Why are so many things happening lately!? First Changmin, Second Changmin, Third Changmin and now, my journal. His face flat lined and shook his head.

Sorry i didn't realize this is only HALF the chapter. CLICK HERE for chapter 7b. T_T

edited: nc-17 fics/chapters will be open but adult filtered. :P
*gets to work editing all my [nc17]entries*

comments are always loved... =] ♥

pair: changmin/jaejoong, chapt: infatuated hearts (c)

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