FSL Exchange Fic for: alygator

Dec 25, 2011 13:54

Title: Family
Rating: PG
Written For: alygator
Written by: virkatjol
Notes: A wormhole opens and Aeryn decides they should go. For alygator.

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fsl christmas exchange 2011

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Comments 5

alygator December 26 2011, 00:17:11 UTC
this is fantastic!! (I am finally experience the new comment bs and i don't like it!!)

I love that little D's nickname is Deke. Sooo adorbs!! This entire fic was amazing. Thank you so much, mysterious-until-Jan-1st-writer!!


virkatjol January 2 2012, 05:12:25 UTC
I kinda combined your 2 prompts, I'm glad you didn't mind. :)

Deke is all sorts of cuteness and sunshine! It makes me happy you think it was amazing! Thanks so much!!


vinegar_dog January 2 2012, 09:11:07 UTC
AAWWW they are back on Earth!!!! Okay Jo, let's make a pact, we can stalk them together - you can have Aeryn, I will take John! :DDD

Loved this Jo, really sweet!


virkatjol January 2 2012, 20:41:45 UTC
HAHAH ok, sounds good. I'll babysit little D and baby #2 for them.

Glad you liked it!!



vinegar_dog January 2 2012, 21:10:02 UTC
Yes, I guessed this one right, but I didn't know you had written two so I didn't actually get the other one right! :p

I guessed this one, Jac's one, ADS's one and I knew Marie's of course since she asked me to read it for her...and I kinda suspected about the Buddikins one. I didn't have a clue though about mine having been written by Dizzy! :O


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