FSL Exchange Fic for: alygator

Dec 25, 2011 13:54

Title: Family
Rating: PG
Written For: alygator
Written by: virkatjol
Notes: A wormhole opens and Aeryn decides they should go. For alygator.

It's unexpected. He looks over and her and she gives him that smile. The one that says she so happy for him. The one that says she loves him more than the vast amount of space they've covered in all their years together. The one that give him permission.

She can sense the hesitation in him still. "We'll go together." She holds out her hand and he takes it. His reluctance disappears and she cuddles little D into her side.

They walk to the transport. He stops and turns. His face is inches from her. "What if-"

The kiss silences him. Her lips slow and soft against his. "It doesn't matter."

Nothing matters more to him, besides the two people next to him, than what's being offered. "Aeryn…"

She loves when he says her name as if it's the answer to all his problems. "We'll go. If we can get back, we can get back. If not…"

Earth is swirling in and out of view as the wormhole twists and turns in front of it. "John, we don't have much time." She can tell he's still wavering. Moya and this end of the universe has become his home too. But he's got more family on Earth. It won't be like last time. They've got D'Argo now and they're relationship is more solid than a Vernirium Harplauck. "If we're going we have to go now."

He nods and helps her into the transport. "Pilot, we hope to see you again. If not, thank you and Moya for everything."

"Safe journey Commander Crichton, Officer Sun." Pilots soft voice, so often not full of emotion seems to be wavering. "Tell little D'Argo goodbye for me when he wakes up."

"Will do." John closes the pod door and Aeryn's already settled their son down and taken control. "Take us out, Pilot."

The docking bay doors open and they leave, flying away from Moya for possibly the last time. John can see the tears gathered in his wife's eyes as she smiles up at him. "Lets go home?"

He lets his palm smooth across her back, kisses the crown of her head, and tries not to lose himself to the overwhelming emotions. "Take us through, Aeryn Sun."


John Crichton - back on earth. He never thought he'd see the day where this happened. Aeryn is looking around, carefully searching the landscape, patiently waiting and pretending to be occupied.

"Honey?" She looks up expectantly and gives him a smile. D'Argo is propped on her hip sucking his thump, content to just be help by his mother. "I'm… Lets go find my dad."

She doesn't mention that he might not be here still. The words are unnecessary and both of the are thinking it anyway. "Lead the way, John."


The door swings open and his fathers face is staring back at him. John and Jack just look at each other like neither of them can believe it. D'Argo is the one who breaks the spell. His adorable, perfect timing - which he didn't inherit from his father.

"Grappa!" He's grinning when everyone looks at him. His mom's gray eyes mixed with his father's chin and cheeks look straight at Jack before he gets shy, thinking he's made a mistake and hides his face against his mother's shoulder.

John reaches over and rub's his son's back. "Yeah, Deke, that's your grandpa. How'd you know?" The little boy shrugs and sneaks a look and smile at his dad.

Aeryn's voice is shaky, but she's been practicing her English, making sure the skill didn't leave her. Just in case this day ever arrived. "Hello, Jack. It's good to see you again."

"Aeryn Sun." He looks between the three of them not sure what to do. "John and you and…" His hand covers his mouth and he realizes that they're all still on the stoop outside. He backs into the doorway and motions them inside.

When they're in and the door is closed Aeryn lets D'Argo off her hip, he's still unsteady on his feet but getting better. He meanders towards his grandfather, unafraid, he's met so many new and interesting creatures and people in his short life that one that looks like his dad doesn't bother him a bit. He's heard stories about his grandfather his entire life and he seems to appreciate the fact that he's now standing in front of the man.

"Dad," John begins. "This is your grandson, D'Argo Sun Crichton." The joy on his fathers face makes everything they might not get back worth losing. The boy seems to understand the importance of the moment and he wobbles over to Jack and holds his arms up at him.

"Hi." Jack looks to Aeryn and John, checking if the boy actually wants the man he just met to hold him. But they can't answer before D'Argo speaks again. "Hold, grappa. Hold lil' D."

"Go ahead, dad." John confirms and the vision of his father holding his son is too much. Aeryn's at his elbow gripping his arm. He looks over at her and she's just as emotional. It amazes him sometimes how far she's come since he met her in that cell. "Thank you, baby."

They embrace more fully and he hears her sniffle against his chest and he squeezes her tight.

"How long can you two stay?" Jack's walking with Deke in his arms towards the kitchen. "Are you hungry? Did you eat?"

John and Aeryn follow, his arm looped around her shoulders not willing to release her yet. "We don't know dad… It was all a surprise that there was a wormhole that opened up to earth. We kinda just took it. No planning, no plan, you know, flying by the seat of our pants here."

"God, I just… I gave up all hope of ever seeing you again." Jack looks at D'Argo who's already made himself comfortable in his arms. "He's so beautiful."

"We think so." John smiles at Aeryn. She asks him the question with her eyes and he nods.

Aeryn clears her throat to get Jack's attention on her. She lifts the hem of her shirt and reveals the small bump on her abdomen. "We're expecting another…"

"Baby!" Deke points and giggles at his mother's tummy, as if it's a joke to him that there is an actual sibling for him in there. "I no want baby."

John just rolls his eyes at his son. "Someone likes all of mommy's attention for himself."

"All of daddy's too." Aeryn adds. "But I know the feeling. It's a wonder you noticed me at all with all the blonde tralks."

"There was never any doubt that I wanted only you. You were a lot of work though."

Jack butts in. "Worth every bit of it." He can almost feel how in love they are, the feelings that surround them are so strong.

"You know it, dad." He kisses Aeryn's temple. "So, dad, is it okay if we crash here?"

Jack just laughs as Deke helps him start the water for potatoes. He's got some steaks stored away that he pulls out. "Are you kidding? Good luck getting away from me."

"Anyway we could get a crib for D'Argo he's not quite good enough at sleeping on a bed without something to catch him yet."

Jack nods. "You don't get a big kid bed yet?" D'Argo makes a face and shakes his head.

"I falled once. Mommy got scare. She cry, daddy was mad. Tell me no scare mommy like that. Now I have bars, 'gain." He's less than pleased but seems to accept it. "Dun wanna scare mommy."

"I don't want you to scare me either, little one." Aeryn remembers that day, the sound his head made cracking against Moya's floor. The blood. The sharp piece of rib that was inches from where he landed. John kisses her temple and it calms her. "Perhaps a sleeping mat on the floor? I wouldn't want to put your father out."

D'argo wiggles free of Jacks arms and goes to explore. Aeryn motions that she's going to follow and leans up to kiss her husband before leaving him for some alone time with his dad.

Jack's arms are around John before he knows what's happening. He's whispering how much he loves him against his neck and how happy he is that he's back with his family. When he moves back there are tears in both men's eyes and they don't even try to hide them from each other.

"Need help with dinner, Dad?" John squeezes his father's shoulder in support. "I could whip up some of grandma's biscuits. I've always wanted to share them with Aeryn, but you'd be surprised how hard it is to find just butter and flour out there." The remark makes them both chuckle.

"Yeah, son, let me go grab some lard from the pantry." The pantry is located just down the hall, the kitchen was poorly designed so Jack fashioned one for Leslie when they first moved in. He walks by the living room and hears some strange sounds. Aeryn and D'Argo are sitting together on the couch and he's pointing at various objects asking what they are, or so Jack assumes. Both of them are speaking a language he's only heard briefly. Sebacean, the little boy speaks English and Sebacean. He watches for a minute and Aeryn catches him, she smiles and he returns her grin before getting what he needs.

"Alright!" John claps his flour covered hands together as his dad walks back into the room. "I should probably make a double batch… Aeryn likes to eat."

Jack just shakes his head. He can't remember ever having this type of camaraderie with his son before. "I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you can eat about six in one mouthful."

"Of course not. I'm always thinking about the little woman."

Aeryn hears the comment from the other room and shouts her retort. "I will come in there and show you why you're thinking about me, if you're not careful."

"Sounds like the rot of challenge I'd be up to, dear!" He's pretty sure he doesn't want to know what she says under hear breath to that.

Jack changes the subject. "D'Argo speaks Sebacean?"

"Yeah, we haven't given him the translator microbes yet. We want him to understand both of our languages. It's like his heritage or something… I don't know, it seems silly now, but…"

"It's wonderful." Jack starts heating the lard for John before draining the potatoes and flipping the steaks. They'll have a feast tonight and not one of them will be hungry for a week. He's determined. "You're a great father, and husband."

"I had the best teacher." Even if it's not true, it doesn't matter. The sentiment is the same. He's glad to be home, glad that his dad accepts his family - loves them, and is glad that Aeryn will finally stop making fun of all the concoctions he made in space while trying to recreate these damn biscuits.


It's midnight and they're all alone. D'Argo is asleep next door, his dad down the hall. The full size bed isn't ideal, but it's still better than anything in space and he likes to be close to her. Sometimes he's not sure about the reverse. His body temperature gets to be too much heat for her sometimes and she has to kick the blankets off, but she's never pulled away.

"I don't know if I can ever thank you."

His hand is resting on her stomach, protecting the new little life inside it, and she lays her palm over it. "There's no reason to thank me."

John inhales her scent, hair still treated with the dwindling supply of Zhaan's oils. A tug on her body brings her even closer. "Yeah, I do. You didn't have to agree. I wouldn't have risked it without you and Deke."

It's hard to explain it to him, Aeryn doesn't like to use words to express herself most of the time, but she tries, for John. "I wanted you to be able to be with family."

"You're my family. You are everything that matters. You, little D and this one that's still cooking. You're all I need in the universe." It's the truth. There's no lack of sincerity in his voice and he knows that Aeryn understands that.

"I know." After a little twisting she's now facing him. His breath is sweet across her lips and on impulse she kisses him. Their arms hold tight to each other and the kiss lasts much longer than she intended. "It's still nice to have more family."

John rubs his nose along hers. She's always right. "When we go see my sisters and they start fawning over your belly, you're going to be sorry you agreed to this."

"For you, John, I'll even tolerate that."

The grin on her face make him wary. "They're like sharks with bait when they see a woman glowing with pregnancy."

"I don't glow." She glowers at him, however. "I'll let them do their worst. You'll just have to make it up to me later."

"That can be arranged."

Aeryn's tired and her eyes start to droop. "The baby wants more of those biscuits."

"Oh, the baby does, now does it?"

Aeryn's smile has turned sleepy. "Mmhmm. It's got a strange liking for your earth food. Better get it some chocolate as well."

He hugs her and chuckles. "Anything for the baby." Petting her hair she drifts off to sleep. "Anything, baby."

The end

fsl christmas exchange 2011

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