Jan 28, 2007 22:59
It was brought to our attention that some colleges and universities actually have student video stores. Since college students of Nielson families are 'in theory' counted in the ratings now, it seemed like a perfect time to broaden our horizons.
If your college or university has a student video store or even if your college library offers non-academic DVDs, then its possible that we can share the VM love with your school.
Here's the important part. If you want us to donate an S1 and/or S2 DVD to your college or university, then there's a few things we need you to do.
First - Verify that your school library or student video store accepts donations of TV series and actually puts them into circulation rather than just selling them.
Second - Find out if they currently have any copies of VM S1 or S2. If they already have copies, it would be helpful to know if there's a waiting list for them, etc.
Last, but not least! - Find out the appropriate contact name and snail mail address that we will need in order to make sure that these DVDs get to the correct person
Let us know if you have any questions!