Massive Sims Spam

Jun 03, 2013 17:22

Well, lately, we (that's me and prussiablue) have been playing a lot of Sims3 and... well xD'
Let's say it like this, this game is perfect for fanservice~♥
Fanservice and many, many moments of laughing out loudly...

So here we go, have some fluff, WTF and much fun!

Be aware of HUGE picture spam!


... Yes. This was our downloaded Romano... the hair wouldn't work :/ But we found some hair that DID work and the result is quite ok. :3

Ukraine~♥ shy and super cute >3<

... Legolas, anyone? |D (yes, this is supposed to be Germania, but we played around with the clothes a bit)

What I love about a big neighbourhood with lots of Sims in it, you never know where, when and  how you'll meet them!

Like Finland and Australia. (and Russia in the middle~)

Or Sweden... as security... "Ah, well, I didn't want to come into that club anyways ='D"

Sometimes you wish, you hadn't seen them...
"Uh, brother...! Get a room! (I wonder what Ivan's doing...)"

Sometimes you see them riding a broom...

... or talking to ghosts...

And sometimes you find them waiting in your lover's room... in supersexy red underwear... and then you have to deal with her brother-complex...

I love all the interactions between the Sims... some of them are just too cute...! >///<
Reading stories to your kids for example.

Or taking them to bed.

(Btw, this is Kugelmugel, because he looks like a snowbunny-lovechild >///< We made him a girl, though because when we first saw the pictures, we didn't know if it was a boy or a girl... and now she also has braids, but we don't have any screenshots yet).

Kids can search for monsters under their bed!

And sometimes, there is a whole bunch of them!

Have some random pictures!

"Can you help me?? I don't get this stuff!!"
(Why using your desk, when you can sit on the comfy floor!? Eh? EH? :D ... :D' ... Sims... OTL)

Bwah, Gilbert, why so sad D':

Family portrait~ Peter looks like he'd rather be somewhere else, playing... |D

Some random love for dogs~

(the cats are getting their own love)

First it was all like... friendly game between family... and Toris.

Then it became serious business of "Win, or she's gonna grape you!!" (whoever gets this, have a cookie!)

(... run, Ivan!)

Living in a big house with a big family can get pretty awkward sometimes...

... especially when Ivan and Gilbert start making out...
"Don't look... don't look... don't look, for Christ's sake!! ;__;"

(This was the first one and I swear, they were all three looking like Toris!! "OMFG, what are you two doing??" xD
But then Eduard was like "Ah, I'll just go on flirting with Ukraine and pretend I didn't see anything..." and Raivis was like... "... well.. this is awkward... *crossing his legs, staring into nothingness*")

Have some random love! :D

And randomness

(wet T-shirt... |D')

This is something random from an RP we're having, with Gilbert as a magician :3

Warning: Creepy Belarus... >_>

Look at those eyes!! ;___;

Well... this is awkward...

She has videos of him...

She's a well-trained stalker with high knowledge of camouflage!!

... well... sort of...


Stop being a couch potato! Make some sports!

(It was a looong way to this...)

Or if sports isn't yours, learn to play an instrument!

Even if it's hard to start!

image Click to view

(Obviously Gilbert isn't sure if he should cheer or laugh at him... x'D)

Or sing!

image Click to view

Or if you can't do that either, go out and dance!

(Perfect for flirting, as you'll see later ;D)

image Click to view

image Click to view

Can't do that either...?
Well... ... cooking? Maybe?

(... rawr~)

... well...

Then stay being a couch potato...
Lean back and enjoy the view.


Now let's have some fluff!!

Ok, so this is for all the "fans" who keep telling me, that I have to like rape, if I like RusPru, because it's "essential" and "necessary" for their relationship.
The fuck.
It's NOT:

Here, have some Snowbunny-fluff, and yes, this is possible!

"Don't leave me!"
"... get up, Ivan, I told you, I just wanna buy some beer... >_>' (Every. Damn. Time.)"

Can't even tell you how much I love these >///<

Ok, this is maybe a bit too fluffy... X///D But I love it anyways ♥

Did someone say dancing? >//A//<

"I can show you the wooorld..."
(Does anyone else get the urge to sing "a whole new world" from Aladdin? x'D)

Intense staring~

God, I can't even tell you how much I love Ivan's face in this one >/////<

I love the watching-stars animation >///< When Ivan looks at Gilbert's hand and then takes it... Gilbert's face is so cute~

And suddenly, Gilbert jumped into his arms |///D


More loving gazes~

Cuddling in bed

Ivan. Looks. SO. IN. LOVE! >///<
(and gotta love Gilbert's sleepwear x//D)

Yes, sometimes Gilbert's the big spoon, too ♥

"This song is for YOU!"

Awakening~♥ so cute x///3

And if anyone keeps on telling me about rape, well, go fuck yourselves :I

Talking about... have some eyesex~

Gil doesn't seem too sure about this yet |D

Gilbert has a tan xD No wonder Ivan's staring |D

When they're dancing, they're having eyesex...

... intense eyesex...

... a lot!

"Wow... muscles... *stare* can I touch them...?"

"Talking about eyeSEX..."
"... Yees...? >_>"

"How about some real-"
"YES! :D"

♥ x///3

We all know these moments... your sims are doing the most random and ridiculous stuff and you're like: "... WTF are you doing??"

Ivan, you're such an artist~♥

Well... it's not like Gilbert is any better... xD

While Ivan's like "HERE! HERE! I KNOW THE ANSWER!!", doesn't Gilbert seem to like university very much...

... see?

This baby has leather skin... from the high heel boots she's wearing.
No joke.

Raivis wasn't too happy with the tanning-box x'D

Thoughts before you're taking part in an eating competition:
Gilbert: "This is easy like a child's game."
Alfred: "Hungry... so hungry..."
Ivan: "I'd rather be playing my piano..."
Germania: "... I'll beat Ivan."

After that, kissing looked... dangerous... o_o

"Stop messing around... this is not my brain."
"... you're no fun..."

Ivan and Gil were on a date... and suddenly... Seriously, Feliciano, WTF are you doing??

The flying dutch- uh, Estonian... xD
Ivan looks terrified |D "NOOO, YOU'LL CRUSH ME!"
As if.

Another bug.
Pancake. What are you doing? Pancake! Stahp!

Taking a photo at prom night... you're doing it... wrong... I guess...?
(But still cute |///D)

This happens, when you're eating too spicy food...
Be careful, this can set your house on fire >_>''
Again. No joke.


"So... tired... but braiiiins!"

"All hail to your king!! Hail me! Praise me! On your knees!"
"... that's my girl ;///;"

"Uuuuh... bubbles...!"

"*sees them pop* *insert a little crazy laughter here* Huhahahaha... 8D"

"*makes bubble pop* hihihi 8D"
... seriously. Don't do drugs. >.>'

Ivan training...

But that thing was fighting back :/

Yes... Arthur is riding a unicorn... and doing a random Zorro-pose...
I love this game xD

Talking about unicorns... they keep doing random stuff...

Like setting a lake on fire...

And this just... kinda looks wrong |D

Estonia... learning about chemics...

... and blowing up other people's bathtubs...

... and other stuff...
And having way too much fun doing this xD'

Another random sims thing... This is Yao, btw, after a stylist went berserk... xD'

Seriously... what are you watching?? It looks,,, wrong. xD

Throwing a party, but not enough chairs around?
Like Ivan gives a fuck. xD'
"Well, I'll eat on the toilet then."

Taking a bath in the ocean. At night. Naked~
Do you see the shark on the right side?
Like Ivan gives a fuck!

Someone stole your clothes?
Like Ivan gives a fuck!!

Have some funny faces!!


Lovino being himself... |D

"Lovino? What are you doing? Your face... o_o"
"Fuck you, I'm smiling!"

"I've seen... things! ;_;"

Gilbert's having a headache.... Ivan, you'd better stay away from him |D

He really doesn't like homework...

The unicorn... x'D It has seen. THINGS.

Singing a song about heartache... xD

He was cleaning the house... I wanted him to do something else. This was his reaction to this... xD He was not amused x'D
"But I wanna clean the house first!! :I"

Gilbert and his parttime job. Singing a song to Lovino. And he's doing it with everything he can!! xD
"Bitch please, I'm fabulous!"


Well.. he's easily impressed? XD


... it's a duck, Gilbert.
"Shut up... it's yellow and fluffy. :I"

(I don't even know...)

"Oh... this looks interesting...! Do you think we could try this once? Oh, look at the legs...! Are you this flexible? We really should try this!!"

"Let me touch your hair~"
"... wtf are you doing?? o_Ò"

He got a textmessage from Ivan~♥

And more derpiness!

"Look at me!! I'm playing the bass! 8D"

Gilbert... what are you doing? Gilbert. STAHP! o_O


"WTF did I just witness?"

Dancing sims... seriously, this is the funniest thing ever x'D

Canada (without glasses for some reason): "D: Russia and Prussia???"

He's so happy about the flowers, he looks like he's gonna eat them! xD

"WTF is this shit??"

Yeah, so... YOU'RE DONE!! 8D
Hope you enjoyed~♥

hetalia, sims

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