I was believing it'd never actually happen

Feb 20, 2010 19:11

The fourth Balkenende cabinet fell today.

lol dutch politics )

also lulzbian, politics

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Comments 1

anonymous March 4 2010, 10:58:29 UTC
About a PVV coalition crashing and burning.. It seems Dutch politics have reached full circle. Balkenende has once again announced willingness to be prime minister and is not outruling the possibility of co-operation with the PVV.. and no other coalition seems more plausible than the sudden and violent rise to power of the SGP.
Therefore, we will indeed have a Balkenende V with LPF PVV, CDA, VVD. I'd give them one year, tops. Five utterly failed governments.. Sometimes, I do pity the man.

(but you're right, it is a great soap opera. Everyone who did not vote yesterday simply cannot appreciate a good narrative, a bunch of great characters and some of the best cliffhangers on Dutch TV ever).


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