I was believing it'd never actually happen

Feb 20, 2010 19:11

The fourth Balkenende cabinet fell today.

Personally, I was rather surprised. There have been so many false alarms it was actually somewhat shocking that it finally happened today. After all, they had a crisis about every other week.

...then again, I also was hoping they'd make it to the full term simply because everyone else was expecting them to fall sooner rather than later. Balkenende IV still had the second-longest life span of all his cabinets though. II was the shortest, with three months.

And they made him listpuller again.

Somewhat related tangents: I want Maxime Verhagen to... actually, I don't know. I think he's somewhat untrustworthy and a lying liar who lies, but if they'd made him listpuller at least it'd have the effect of making the CDA a whole lot less popular, though I still don't get why they're still running along with Balkenende.

Pulling out was the smartest option for Bos, and good for him. I sort of pity Rouvoet, though. If he had been a member of a different party I'd vote for him. But, ugh, CU.

I still have the urge to throw things at the screen as soon as I see Wilders. Honestly, I'm sort of hoping he gets a massive amounts of votes, makes the coalition and causes it to burn and crash even faster than the LPF did. On the other hand, the sheer fear imagining a large amount of PVV-voters instills in me I hope it does not happen.

I am so glad everyone forgot about Verdonk.

...and that interviewer trying to get that member of the local faction of the CDA to say something about the power-grabbing imminent in the national faction was spectacularly bad at trying to make the conversation go his way. His not so hapless interviewee on the other hand - man, she did it amazingly. And made him look ridiculous.

And people still say politics are boring. God, it's a better soap opera than GTST. Not that that says much, since I hate that series.

also lulzbian, politics

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