Fic recs

Jan 06, 2010 19:27

Normally I don't do this, but recently I stumbled over a few fics that were just too awesome to not share. N-not that anyone on my very small f-list will be interested, but. It's the thought that counts, right?

So, onward! )

also lulzbian, fic rec, the last remnant

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Comments 3

bowensilverclaw January 6 2010, 18:55:10 UTC
I'll have to check out that Deadpool & Cable fic after I finish studying for friday :)

As for slash, I don't really think it can be as bad as that WD40 scene in the comics :P

Speaking of which, have you finished the D&C series?
Started Merc With A Mouth yet?

Anywho, see you this weekend, buh-bye :)


clonechild January 6 2010, 20:27:41 UTC
There's more subtext than outright text, never fear. I haven't yet found any Deadpool porn, though I must confess I haven't been looking very hard for it either. And it isn't as bad as that scene.

(If you want some TLR porn, that is a different story altogether, although I'm rather sure you don't want to read it.)

And no, I haven't finished it yet. I have, however, bought the new X-factor book which was somewhat confusing but also rather fabulous.

See you then, and good luck for Friday!


bowensilverclaw January 6 2010, 20:33:29 UTC
Thanks :)


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