Fic recs

Jan 06, 2010 19:27

Normally I don't do this, but recently I stumbled over a few fics that were just too awesome to not share. N-not that anyone on my very small f-list will be interested, but. It's the thought that counts, right?

The Cable & Deadpool Yuletide Special
...summary? Is that like a recap page? Huh. Okay. I'm Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth. You may remember me from such comics as "Deadpool," "Deadpool," and "Cable & Deadpool," and from my brief appearance in Wolverine's first solo movie, which for now makes me Marvel's latest license to print money -- thank you, Ryan Reynolds. Anyway, now I'm in a Yuletide story, so join me and my buddy Nate Summers, aka Cable, for wacky hijinks and reality-hopping adventure. Say hi to the fangirls, Nate.

"Wade? Who are you talking to?"

This fic is just. so. brilliant. If you couldn't tell from the summary it's funny and meta and crosses over with several other Yuletide stories. Deadpool really just wanted a nice Christmas, guys. It's not his fault neither he nor Cable actually knows what Yuletide - the internet version - actually is.
Warnings: somewhat slashy subtext, Care Bears.

"I don't mind the spiders," Hinnah said, rolling her eyes at her sister, "but I just can't see eating a Hypnos. I the fuck would you even butcher it? They're all stretchy."

"They harden up a bit once you whack them," Young said with a reminiscent smirk. "It's not bad on pizza, just sort of rubbery. Like amoeba."

This fic just filled me with glee. Not because it's the best The Last Remnant fic ever, since there are other TLR fics around that are awesome as well. No, it's because it's about cooking. TLR cooking, to be precise. As you can tell from the excerpt, that is a very... special type of cooking. Because apparently Vile Lizard is tasty with scrambled eggs. And you definitely want this in your baklava.
Warnings: really strange food, mild slash.

also lulzbian, fic rec, the last remnant

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