Title: Warping Arda: Eilinel
clodia_metelli Characters: Sauron, Eilinel, Lúthien.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death, general nastiness.
Book/Source: Silmarillion.
Disclaimer: I am not J.R.R. Tolkien and I make no money from this.
Summary: Sauron's "black thoughts" in Tol-in-Gaurhoth. This was written for the current
tolkien_weekly prompt, 'Loving
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Comments 26
- Erulisse
And Sauron waxes poetic here. "I sang a phantom for him" You really have to love that sentence, its cadence, the weight of delighted cunning in the trickery and the inevitable defeat that will result from that short sentence. Wonderful.
(Sauron's phantom Eilinel actually keeps making me think of the cloud-phantom of Helen of Troy that turns up in some versions of the whole Trojan epic cycle. But that's just a matter of phrasing really, I think.)
My brain is in holiday defrag, so i'm more prone to picking up silly little details! :-)
I love that reading! I was leaning on the contest between Finrod and Sauron, where Sauron out-sings Finrod to capture him and his Elves and Beren -- so as you say, the magic of music here is a two-sided thing, and the magic of Sauron the Maia may be closer to Elvish magic than either side would want to admit. I don't know. Elvish magic (how it works, what it can do) seems to me to be one of those things that is never really explained in Tolkien (unless it turns up somewhere in one of the books of scraps that I have neither the time nor really the inclination to sift through).
I know what you mean about holiday defrag. Hope you're wholly refreshed by the end of it!
Did Sauron know what Luthien wanted, though? If he'd known that he had a hostage, surely he wouldn't have bothered to fight. Just, "Surrender, or the mortal gets it", would have been enough.
(If we're picking out 'why on earth didn't...?' moments in the Silm, 'Why on earth didn't Luthien and Beren just steal the whole damn crown?' will always be my favourite.)
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