Title: Come As You Are
jlvsclrk To Be Revealed!
sue_dreamsType: vid
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be. As a
friend, as a trend, as an old enemy.
Request: [Cool list of songs provided] From the music above, you can guess I’m eclectic, so if any of the above inspires, that is awesome. Lyrics can be taken seriously or the 'feel' of the song. Other ideas: I really like the idea of Clark and Lex saving the world together, so action sequences, rescuing each other, maybe ending on a light, happy, togethery note?
Gifter Notes: I'm a huge Nirvana fan and feel Come As You Are is one of their most beautiful songs. Kurt's voice has such yearning as he sings the "Memoria" chorus, contrasting perfectly with the vaguely threatening "I don't have a gun" bridge. It doesn't hurt that an important Clex episode takes its name from the song! I must have listened to the song a few hundred times while making the vid and never got tired, much as I'll never get tired of Smallville at its best.
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