[Fic] All the King's Horses (Sam/Dean/Jess, PG-13)

Oct 23, 2011 23:43

Fic title: All the King's Horses
Artist name: vail_kagami
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Sam/Dean/Jess
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 10,012
Warnings: Broken!Sam, AU from the end of S6.
Summary: Sam is broken (like Humpty-Dumpty without all the fun). And Castiel's idea of saving Sam (for some unknown definition of "saving") is to rip Jess out of heaven to help Dean ( Read more... )

fic pairing: sam/dean, fic: supernatural, fandom: supernatural, fic pairing: dean/sam/jess, fic, fic genre: het, fic genre: wincest, fic rating: pg-13, fic genre: incest, fic genre: slash, fic pairing: sam/jess

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Comments 14

galwithglasses October 25 2011, 05:18:15 UTC
I really enjoyed this and was bummed when it ended. I liked the asides that help build a fuller picture of these characters. I love the bit about Bobby getting the girl. Nice work and any time you want to write more, that would be awesome.


dev_earl October 30 2011, 14:12:25 UTC
I adore your style here, all the glimpses of details that we get from the parentheticals. I also love how your Dean/Jess progresses because it's so organic and true to them. I've always thought they'd be butting heads a lot if they were ever together like this, just because I figure Dean and Jess are a lot alike. So, so lovely even when Sam isn't completely fixed.

Thank you for sharing with us. :D


tabaqui January 9 2012, 18:01:42 UTC
Ah, i knew i read this before!
*is smug*

Everything i said about it before still rings true. It's so damn heartbreaking, and so full of hurt and hope and desperation and joy in the little things. So much rage and guilt but so *much* love....
*wipes eyes*

Gorgeous and hurty and perfect.


ceares January 21 2012, 12:53:56 UTC
I love this-- it's achy and heartbreaking and still hopeful and life/love affirming and more than anything reminds me of people dealing with chronic illness. The style works marvelously for the nature of the story, adding a sort of chaotic depth and intimacy that feels like the way brains work, especially during stressful situations.


runedgirl May 25 2012, 23:33:08 UTC
Really enjoyed that, its leaps and bounds and fits and starts so much a mirror of Sam's recovery and Dean and Jess's adjustment to it and each other.


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