[Fic] All the King's Horses (Sam/Dean/Jess, PG-13)

Oct 23, 2011 23:43

Fic title: All the King's Horses
Artist name: vail_kagami
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Sam/Dean/Jess
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 10,012
Warnings: Broken!Sam, AU from the end of S6.
Summary: Sam is broken (like Humpty-Dumpty without all the fun). And Castiel's idea of saving Sam (for some unknown definition of "saving") is to rip Jess out of heaven to help Dean ( Read more... )

fic pairing: sam/dean, fic: supernatural, fandom: supernatural, fic pairing: dean/sam/jess, fic, fic genre: het, fic genre: wincest, fic rating: pg-13, fic genre: incest, fic genre: slash, fic pairing: sam/jess

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Comments 14

vail_kagami October 24 2011, 08:05:49 UTC
I'm glad this finally got posted. It's nice to finally read all of this, and I love how you played this out. (Though I still find it incredibly hard to read for the reasons mentioned before.)
The ending is beautiful.

Since you made another post at samdean-otp I'm going to delete mine.


emmram October 24 2011, 11:35:44 UTC
I've... been reading this on and off the whole afternoon. This is beautiful, and I like how the parentheticals add a sort of... intimacy? to the whole story, and how you switch around view-points that way. Unfortunately, it also makes the story very hard to read in one go--the multiple asides kept throwing me out of the narration. I don't know, it could just be me. I've always been a restless reader. :p

You've made what could be a tough dynamic work beautifully, and I adore the ending. Lovely work!


tabaqui October 24 2011, 12:13:14 UTC
Ah, man. This is...glorious and heartbreaking and wonderful. I love the style of it, the rambling bits of information attached to story points, the back and forth in time from 'now' to 'when we were six' and, just....

Oh, boys.
*sobs a little*

Love it and it makes me mad and sad and horrified and happy all at the same time.


keerawa October 25 2011, 04:50:36 UTC
I agree that the mass of parentheticals made for a very unusual reading experience, but it worked for me as another sign of how WRECKED Dean is by all of this. The nine good days, and the six bad ones, and the three that were so bad Dean had to go cry in the basement? Made me shudder. Wee Dean rewrapping Sammy's diaper and throwing out the food that Bobby made for him, because taking care of Sammy is HIS job, made all kinds of sense to me. I felt for poor Sam, so helpless, and knowing how much he was freaking out Dean, but unable to control his own body, or speak on bad days ... *ugh*

And I loved how insightful and patient Jess was, as well as her sneakiness in drugging Dean to get him to sleep. The way all three of them cared for each other, when they needed it. Sam calling Jess "Care Bear" when she woke from night terrors. And the image of the three of them curled up in bed together was gorgeous.


randomstasis October 25 2011, 05:15:30 UTC
This is great- I love the little POVsnippets on Cas and how well it works after all. (And I just gotta say, I hope Sheriff Mills is the welcoming sort for Bobby's sake ;-)


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