Nino's Diary: Cellphone

Apr 15, 2011 15:55

Title: Nino's Diary: Cellphone
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: G
Genre: Comedy, Fluff (and a bit of Jealous!Nino)
Length: 654
Disclaimer: Though I wish otherwise, Arashi owns me not vice versa
Summary: You always wondered how Chinen's picture ended up on Ohno's cellphone? Here's the answer!
A/N: Actually I wrote this some time ago as part of a series. I planned to write several short entries of Nino's diary but it turned out that most of it was rather dull. I always liked this one though, so I thought I'd share. Please tell me what you think about it!


Uwah~! Me and my stupid ideas!

As everyone except Satoshi realized a loooong time ago that kouhai Chinen is going way overboard in his fanboying. And as everyone except Satoshi knows, Chinen really isn’t that cute. I’ve always been against all this spoiling of kouhai anyway, I mean when has anyone ever looked after us? Ha!

However. This kid sure is annoying. And persisting. And absolutely ignorant to OTHER PEOPLE’S BELONGINGS!! I mean, I wouldn’t go into his greenroom and grab his… well anything that belongs to him. I swear, if I didn’t keep glued to Satoshi… But of course my efforts are not appreciated. I told Satoshi, if he adored him like that, then maybe he should go and live with the Chinen household. He’d see who’d take care of him there. But he just laughed at me (grumble-grumble). And then he thought he could cut it out with kissing (damn him for knowing how to distract me! grr! But the kissing was good, actually).

Today he read some stupid magazine where they hire stupid writers who publish stupid articles about stupid kids. If he wanted to he could have read a high quality magazine where they interview people in an adult-like way, people who have an interesting personality, people with Hollywood-experience… While he read that junk (they weren’t even ashamed to add stickers as a give-away), his mobile signaled an incoming mail. That annoying kid has a talent for popping up when he’s not wanted (and that would be always - muhahahhahahaha!) We read the text (of course I helped Satoshi read it! What if he hadn’t been able to read a certain kanji and there would’ve been no one to help him and then he would’ve never finished that cursed mail, huh?) and after that Satoshi didn’t delete the text right away! I know, it IS shocking! I said that if he loved him so much, then maybe he would like to carry his precious Chinen’s picture around with him all the time. I took one of the stickers the stupid magazine offered and attached it onto his cell. Then I turned away from him, arms crossed and waited for him to get up and get the kid fired or arrested for stalking or anything else. But no! Because today’s my lucky day all I got was this:”It won’t get off!”


This stupid, ugly, stupid, damn, stupid, useless, stupid sticker of Chinen wouldn’t come off again!!! We both tried but it didn’t peel at all!! Grrrr! I can’t even complain too loudly because it was my freaking doing in the first place! (When Jun had the impertinence to add that I deserved it, I snapped back in a way that I chose not to repeat here.) ARGH!!!

Several hours later: Satoshi was quite sweet tonight (given the fact that he still hasn’t had that kid fired or arrested or whatever). He came over to snuggle and cuddle and he told me about this fantastic article he read about a certain gorgeous actor with Hollywood-experience... He was obviously trying to mollify me… damn his adorable face! Once he looked at me with this puppy eyes of his he knew he’d won. But to my defense, being in his embrace is much more comfy when I’m cuddling back!

Sweet as my Satoshi is, he even offered to buy a new cell phone if the picture really bothered me that much but I told him he didn’t have to. I, at least, am an adult and there is no real need to throw away such an amount of money. (But I still melted away when he suggested it.)

After a whole round of cuddling on the couch I concluded that the stupid kid can stick onto his phone as much as it wants. I’d rather stick in his arms!

PS: Still, I found an I-hate-Chinen-Forum. I wonder if I should register there…

fanfiction ★ c: ohmiya, ♥ ohmiya ( ^◡^)人(^◡^ ), fanfiction ★ series: nino's diary, fanfiction ★, *open

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