(no subject)

Mar 14, 2011 11:49

Like so many other people, I'm truly sad and sorry for everyone who has to suffer directly or indirectly through the earthquake and/or tsunami last Friday.
The news hit me after getting up (we're several hours behind Japan). Out of habit I switched on the TV and was startled to see images of the tsunami. The first thing I could take in was earthquake, tsunami, dead, Tokyo. I was so shocked. My first thought was, that Kanto-region had been hit hardest and I was truly scared when I thought about how many people live there. I can't really say I was relieved when I found out it was instead Miyagi-ken that had to suffer the most, but I hoped that the number of deaths wouldn't rise as high as it might have in Tokyo.
While I watched the news, I began to get worried about the safety of Arashi and the other Johnny's. I tried to calm myself down, telling me again and again that they had to have been working in Tokyo, that Tokyo had been spared, that there was no way Ohno could've been out on sea at the freaking time when a tsunami hit Japan. Later I also grew (especially) worried about Aiba and his family with the horrifying images of the burning oil refinery.
I was and am relieved to know that everyone is safe. I hope that everyone I got to know through this fandom is safe as well. I'm really touched about the fundraising these fantastic girls have organized and hope the money'll get increasing.

The only thing that quite pisses me off is the way the media is dealing with this catastrophe. They are almost exclusively talking about the nuclear leakage threat and although this is an important issue, I still hate it that they're forgetting about all the victims of both the quake and/or tsunami, all the people who have lost everything and those who have lost one or sometimes even several loved ones. There are still 10,000 people missing and maybe Japan will have to deal with 15,000 dead citizens. The situation is horrible enough as it is and I think we shouldn't forget about that.
Now, I was really raging mad when I heard an expert talk about which kind of impact on the economy this might have. The dead ones are even buried yet, heck a lot of them aren't even posed, and all they worry about is money. Sorry, but that is just not the right time for it.

Edit: YoutubeClips
Japanese live TV simultan - during quake and minutes after NHK, NTV, TBS, FujiTV, TV Asahi, TV Tokyo  (8:18)
Office security camera - during quake (2:20)

❖ random, ♪ arashi, *open

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