Lamictal, day... what day are we on now? Eleven? Nothing new to report. Except that I took Lucky outside this morning and it felt like the first real approach of fall--a few degrees cooler, a few dead leaves swirled on the ground.
I spent most of yesterday away from my desk, which means that I have two or three days of linkspam piled up.
The lady appeared after a man-serpent and before a couple of child clog-dancers )
Comments 47
That thing about the movie ratings system is interesting, though. I had no idea it was like that - I assumed it was, y'know, some sort of logical system.
Yarha, They're Just Actors: Most are Even Bad Ones
Anna Nichole - Gods, that's tragic. I feel sorry for Ana, I do.
Paris Hilton: Brilliant, hysterical. Is it wrong to take that much pleasure in someone I don't know getting her nose rubbed in her b-list status? Probably. I'll say a novena or something to make up for it. ;)
I want to find it funny, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Does it have a minstrel-show quality to it, or am I just not getting the joke?
The weapon wielded by Cohen and Charles is crudeness. People today, especially those in public life, can disguise prejudice in coded language and soft tones. Bigotry is ever so polite now. So the filmmakers mean to drag the beast out into the sunlight of brilliant satire and let everyone see the rotting, stinking, foul thing for what it is. When you laugh at something that is bad, it loses much of its power.
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