And then of course the Evil Romans show up and start manhandling the virgins again
Because if anyone wants to prove that they're reeeeeeeeeally evil, all they have to do is manhandle a virgin. Nothing says "I am the big bad fear my wrath" like roughing up a vestal. Except perhaps killing kittens.
"The words “So long as this fire burns, Rome will exist” are uttered, at which point I called up my bookie and put down fifty dollars on “bowl of fire pushed over by end of series.”"
Oh yes, definitely. Actually, when the soldiers came in, I was like, "Already?" but they didn't...yet.
Comments 31
This makes me actually want to watch the miniseries, just so I can really get these.
Nice work, as usual.
Because if anyone wants to prove that they're reeeeeeeeeally evil, all they have to do is manhandle a virgin. Nothing says "I am the big bad fear my wrath" like roughing up a vestal. Except perhaps killing kittens.
Oh yes, definitely. Actually, when the soldiers came in, I was like, "Already?" but they didn't...yet.
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