In a World Where the Moon Is Upside Down

Oct 10, 2007 16:54

Why is it that you can't talk about college/universities to mothers? Why?

Another rant )

thoughts, rants

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Comments 13

queenhyprshadow October 11 2007, 02:30:08 UTC
cleansedraven October 11 2007, 04:41:11 UTC
One of your parents gave you a hard time, then, eh? :|

Exactly! Parents always take it that we want to leave to be as far away from as possible when all we're trying to do is better ourselves for them and the world. -sigh-

Yeah, four years where I'll fly back home for the holidays and breaks. :| She'll get to see me even then. If parents only knew, would only take the time to understand without getting defensive or causing a conflict, our true motives, then, maybe they wouldn't get so upset about it. But NOOO; they always have to have it their way. They're right, you're wrong. End of story. >:(


Yeah. I don't want to go off into the world trying to figure things out I could have figured out in those four years.

I'm not sure; we haven't really discussed what kind of school I'll go to. Do you know how to drive?


queenhyprshadow October 12 2007, 19:33:06 UTC
cleansedraven October 12 2007, 22:28:14 UTC
Yeah, maybe our moms would be best friends, or something. XD My dad says it's okay if I want to study away from home, but he still takes some things the wrong way and he even keeps asking me: "Who are you getting this from? One of your friends must be telling you this and you want to do what they want to do. It's not like you."

I don't know why he finds it so hard to believe they are my own thoughts and no one has been influencing me at all, and least of all, my friends.

Do you have a permit/license yet?


>:D< lostlov32 October 11 2007, 07:11:51 UTC
Wow, I'm not sure if I can contribute as much because you've taken words I could never find before. I know exactly how you feel :/. Both my parents are like that and in a way I want to move on with my life and become independent, but there's always that fear holding back. Talking about the future in general is confusion to me, in the sense that I have all these plans, goals, hopes, but I'm not exactly sure how to get there of if its the right path. It's why at times I just decide to ignore or not really ignore but like avoid the topic of the future; though the future is unavoidable >.< .
I know life with parents is hard because of the difference in ideas but i wish you the best and whatever you need, I'm here for you >:D<


Re: >:D< cleansedraven October 11 2007, 08:23:33 UTC
That's parents for ya. I think fear is, well, scary (duh), but... that shouldn't hold you back. If you let it hold you back, your life will go by and you're going to be left wishing you did whatever it is that you wanted to do. So, take a deep breath and just go for it. It may turn out better than you expected.

I hope your parents are able to understand you. :)



last thing... lostlov32 October 11 2007, 07:13:22 UTC
not sure if this is the right moment or not BUT, I LOVE your icons :D . <3 !


Re: last thing... cleansedraven October 11 2007, 08:20:16 UTC
Haha, thanks! Credit for the ones I use can be found in my profile when you see my icons.


isabella4sho October 14 2007, 01:17:29 UTC
i'm sorry you got into an argument with your mom. I remember reading about another post like this before when i first met you here....hehe....

ooh you should totally start learning! it's actually really fun if your dad doesn't make you go around a parking lot for two hours ( i've had personal experience.....).


cleansedraven October 14 2007, 04:53:57 UTC
Haha, thanks. Yes, it's turning out to be the subject to guarantee some sort of disagreement. :| But she can't avoid the subject forever- next year's my senior year, and I'll sending appliccations by the time I take the SAT and junk. :|

Haha! XD Aw, poor Iris. My dad wants me to go to a driving school, so I don't know what's gonna happen. :P


isabella4sho October 14 2007, 05:11:33 UTC
yeah, can't wait to do those stuff! (not)

the sad thing is, i went to driving school too, and i even went on the freeway, so to be stuck in a parking lot after going on the highway is a major letdown and a bore....


cleansedraven October 14 2007, 05:25:07 UTC
I bet it'll be loads of fun! -_-' XD

Again: awwwww.... Poor Iris. :(

We'll see how it turns out for me. >.


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