In a World Where the Moon Is Upside Down

Oct 10, 2007 16:54

Why is it that you can't talk about college/universities to mothers? Why?

Ugh. I got excited when I got a brochure about the Study Abroad Program they have at a university in Oregon, and I started looking through it and talking about it to my mom. I've always wanted to go to other countries and I really would like to participate in a study abroad program when I go off to college or a university.

However, my mom was not excited. When I asked her if it bothered her for me to talk about it, she nodded without hesitation. Then she went on about how I only envision the future away from home and blah blah blah. I only told her that it wasn't like I was going to go live there for the rest of my life. She said it would be different if I went to school close to home and went away for a semester.

Huh. Well, I got frustrated by this point because I was talking about university programs in general and not necessarily in Oregon. -sigh-

I didn't say anything; I just left when I got the chance.

It makes me so... frustrated! I can't talk about the future with her because she always, somehow, gets on my case that I want to get away from them, that I don't care, that I want to go somewhere far away just to get away from them, and blah blah blah. It's getting old and I'm getting tired of it.

I know she's being a mother and doesn't want her child to go away, but it's not fair that I can't do the things I want to do just because she doesn't want me to go away. It's not like I'll be gone from home forever. And I won't live forever, either. :|

For the record, I do want to go to school far away from home. I already made a post about this, but what the heck. I want to become independent, a better person, and just have new experiences. I want to feel homesick and fly back and forth between home and school. I really want that. Yeah, it's scary, but that's the adventure. I want to be someplace new for four years.

Honestly, this is so aggravating! >:( Why can't she understand?! She refuses to understand! >:| There's no point trying to explain it to her; she'll always see it from another side.

Oh, and my parents have gotten into another argument. X(

Life's just peachy, isn't it?

On another note, I've decided I want to start learning how to drive soon. My mom's all panicky since that car accident we had and she and my dad always argue in some way when he's driving because his driving makes her nervous. So, I realized I'm old enough to try and help out somehow... if I'm not a bad driver, that is. From the looks of it, I might be starting next late spring since they're busy right now with other things and such. :|

thoughts, rants

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