oo4 » video

Sep 20, 2009 20:00

The Hitomi turns on, instead of breaking, when Deidara throws it against a tree. Maybe it didn't want to break. But it turns on and it lands and there's Deidara, back to the device, shaking with a desperate sort of fury. And he unleashes hell on the landscape around him ( Read more... )

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[Private] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 00:28:31 UTC
[Not this again. Didn't Deidara already get his fill of this sort of excessive behavior with that ridiculous mountain business?

Especially after what they'd been up to yesterday and earlier today, Sasori would have expected Deidara to be feeling quite worn out, so what in the world is his partner thinking?

He's irritated, but there was something...unsettling about Deidara's expression that makes him pause for a moment before he responds, and his tone is less sharp than it would normally be.]

Well, at least you didn't blow up a damned mountain again.

[He sighs.]

Did you hurt yourself again, you fool? Where are you?


[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 03:21:57 UTC
[Something within Sasori snaps at Deidara's refusal to explain himself clearly, and the worry that's been building up inside him pours out as pure frustration.]

What the hell is wrong with you? You were fine when you left here a few hours ago, and now you're acting like...like...well I don't know what the hell you're acting like, but it certainly isn't normal, and you won't give a damned straight answer about it.

[He resists the urge to simply grab Deidara by the shoulders and shake him until the answers he wants come tumbling out.]

Stop screwing around and answer me properly, you damned idiot. What doesn't matter?

[He feels a sudden chill wash over him, as a new possibility for why Deidara refuses to answer enters his mind, and the anger drains out of him as quickly as it flared up, until all that's left is cold fear.

Before he was almost shouting, now he's barely whispering.]

Is it...is it because of what happened yesterday? [Because of me? Because of us?]


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 03:25:31 UTC

[He's quick to answer that last part--it's not Sasori, because Sasori is all Deidara has left that's normal, and if Sasori abandons him then he doesn't know what he'll do. Maybe he'll just fade away.]




[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 03:59:11 UTC
[The mild relief that at least this isn't because of what has changed between them is drowned out by the realization of just what Deidara truly means.

I was testing something. It didn't work. It'll never work anymore.

I didn't feel anything.The cornerstone of their relationship has always been their deep mutual understanding as fellow artists, as people who both are moved at their very deepest levels by the desire to create; they're both driven at their core by that irresistible need to express oneself, to reach for the sublime by drawing out something from so deep inside that it's beyond the capability of being expressed in words and pouring it out into the world, crystallizing it into a form that can be seen and experienced and, perhaps, understood ( ... )


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 04:05:01 UTC
I read a scroll, and then--I don't know. Something happened.

[He doesn't think rest will help. He can't imagine anything helping. It's like he's been scooped out of his body, he's gone and there's just a shell left, something useless and waiting to rot away. Or maybe he's rotting right now.]

If you want me to rest, I will.

[He has nothing left but what Sasori tells him to do. He sees no point in doing anything else.]


[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 04:44:01 UTC
[There's a very different emotion that floods through Sasori at the mention of a scroll being responsible for all this, but he hides it far better than his distress.]

I see. So it was a scroll that did this to you.

[He smooths his hands over Deidara's shoulders before giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. His voice is soft.]

It will be all right, I promise. [I'll find a way to fix it. To fix you. Trust me.]

[He then stands up.]

You haven't eaten anything since you left, have you? I'll make you something.

You'll feel better after you eat and get some rest.

[When he turns away and heads towards the kitchen, his expression turns absolutely murderous.

Those bastards, those fucking bastard gods. How dare they do this?Sasori is the one who refuses to bow to their whims, not Deidara. Sasori is the one who openly rejects their absurd, childish lessons, not Deidara ( ... )


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 04:49:47 UTC
[Deidara nods, and watches Sasori leave. It's a moment, perhaps two, before he realizes how quiet everything feels with no one there. Without art everything seems silent, and without someone talking to him, he doesn't even know if he's still there.

He stands, and follows Sasori into the kitchen. Deidara doesn't want to disappear. He knows he is there if Sasori is there.]


[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 05:17:38 UTC
[Sasori is a little surprised that Deidara followed, and the anger ebbs away with the presence of his partner.

Instead, he feels subdued, as he follows the train of though he'd started earlier to its natural conclusion.

The gods did this to Deidara, to get back at Sasori. This is his fault, because he'd acknowledged Deidara, because he'd reached out to him, and finally given in and accepted the connection he'd been resisting for two years ( ... )


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 05:23:16 UTC
[Sasori had given him something to do. Deidara nodded, and moved to help. He could focus on this and not on the emptiness, even if it was something mundane. He needed to keep moving, even now. If he stopped, he thought, and if he thought he remembered the emptiness.

If he's nearer to Sasori, is he more sure he exists? Maybe. He'll stay close, then.]


[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 06:25:31 UTC
[Having Deidara close is normally comforting for Sasori, but this silence that stretches between them certainly isn't.

He is so used to the arguing, the bantering, the mockery, the teasing, that he doesn't know how to handle this.

His eyes keep flicking back and forth from Deidara, who's slicing a pickled radish so slowly and absently that Sasori is tempted to pull the knife out of his hands before his partner cuts himself, to where he's watching the rice simmer, and the only sounds breaking the awkward gulf of silence are the crackling of the fire and the soft bubbling of the rice simmering and the awkward thunk of the knife against the chopping board.

It's completely intolerable, and Sasori tries to break the silence as best he can.]

I-I'll reheat that leftover fish from lunch as well.

...Would you like to rest after you eat?

You can help me clean, if you aren't tired.

[He almost suggested that Deidara could help him with his puppets, but he doesn't want to go anywhere near the subject of art at all.]


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 06:28:13 UTC
[Listening to Sasori--Deidara can do that. He doesn't think he can do anything else. He certainly doesn't feel like he can do anything else. So he'll do what Sasori wants him to do.]

I'll help.

[He knows Sasori is worried, but he doesn't know what can be done about it.]


[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 06:53:59 UTC
[Sasori tries again to restore some normalcy by injecting a little bit of his usual annoyed tone into his response ( ... )


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 07:03:39 UTC
[Deidara wonders if he should apologize, as certainly that would be a possible response to Sasori's words, but he thinks it will make things worse. So he continues to follow Sasori, and help, until the food is ready. He glances up at his partner--it's been quiet, so anything Sasori says Deidara hangs onto.]

I won't.

[He eats quietly--almost methodically, although it's not intentional so much as a result of hardly caring about the food. But Sasori told him to eat. So he finishes it and moves onto the cleaning.

It's easy to stop thinking when doing something like this. He falls into a pattern as he cleans, and his eyes dull even more as he falls into a thoughtless state of simply doing.

It's easier this way.]


[Action] eternalscorpion September 21 2009, 08:09:57 UTC
[The dullness Sasori sees in Deidara causes that hurt and guilt to twist inside of him again, and he's barely able to get any of the cleaning he's supposed to be doing done, as he can't help but keep his eyes fixed on his partner.

Even his puppets show more life than this, when he controls them. He sighs, and reaches for Deidara's hand to pull him towards the bedroom.]

I think you should get some rest now. Let's go.

[...There was a time, when he was young and still foolish, that Sasori would sleep nestled between them, those puppets that he'd made in the image of his parents. If he concentrated hard enough, he'd been able to pretend they were warm and soft, and it was comforting ( ... )


[Action] clayfireworks September 21 2009, 08:35:39 UTC
[He lets himself get dragged along when Sasori grabs him--it's easier to acquiesce, and so he does so. It seems like all he can manage is the easiest path to exist on. And so he nods when Sasori speaks, although he doesn't think he'll feel better in the morning, can't imagine feeling better ever, not when he's like this.

He has not made a habit of seeking comfort in others--people whose comfort is as ephemeral as they themselves are, people who he doesn't care about anyway. But his hands find their way around Sasori anyway, and his arms tighten, and he's not sure what he's doing, but he supposes it doesn't matter anyway, so he simply lays still after that.

Sasori's body is not something he thinks many would look to for comfort, but Deidara is not one who often looks for comfort, and so he thinks it fits.

But he doesn't want to think--not about anything, not after what happened. So he closes his eyes and stops. It's easier this way.]


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