Cha-ji! 茶事!

Oct 03, 2008 00:07

Hungry yet?

There was an article in the NY Times about rice cooker bibimbap. Yes, bibimbap made in a plain ol', single pot, one cook setting rice cooker. I saved the article and so I could try it sometime. It's simple, healthy and seems pretty quick. The recipe comes courtesy of teczcape, who also likes to make me hungry with pictures of tasty-cheap Taiwan food.

It's only taken me 3 long years but I'm finally set on going to attend Zenshuji Soto Buddhist Temple's annual Chasen Kuyo O-chakai. It happens the first Sunday of November - which I've learned through years of missing it. I even have an outfit in mind. It also comes with a slight terror of wearing awase on a warm California November day and the knowledge that I'll be shuffling around of slippery tatami in new tabi. The potential for kimono-faceplant is enormous.

The temple makes a special vegetarian kaiseki ryori with homemade goma dofu (sesame tofu) that's supposed to be their specialty. Everything is made from scratch, including the tea sweets. It'll be my first time at an Urasenke event, so I'll get to see the little differences from Edosenke.

I've heard Zenshuji is one of the only places in the US that has a bonfire ceremony for tea whisks. And I haven't had frothy matcha since Komomo-san was here in May-ish, so I've had a craving for it that can't be satisfied by Jamba Juice or green tea lattes.

bunka, food

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