Oct 06, 2010 19:34

Artie's office
Warehouse 13
South Dakota

"Scalpel... thank you, nurse."

Why Artie felt the need to Bedazzle a headlamp for Claudia, she really can't say. But it serves a purpose, that purpose being 'shedding some light on the situation.' And since this damn vacuum cleaner's been giving her headaches since just after the Alice incident? She needs all the light she can get.

Fortunately, it's almost over. "There's an awful lot of blood. I think I need some suction." She sets the autovac upright again, and turns it on - and grins when it starts up without protest. "Gonza! Good as new. Get into the corners this time. Don't make me push you."

She takes the autovac off the what-passes-for-operating table, sets it on its way, and decides it's time for a refreshing drink of soda.

...Or not so refreshing, considering it's been sitting out for the last three hours. "Ew, warm." But this would be why she commandeered that snow-producing snowglobe she spotted during inventory a while back; a few shakes and her refreshing drink is set right again. "Ah, frosty goodness!"

Claudia sets her soda bottle back down, puts the snowglobe back in a pocket of her tool belt, and picks up the chore list Artie left for her. "Okay. Repair autovac, slice-o-pie... 'Tighten and lubricate zip line'?" She can't help but smirk at that. "Sounds kinda dirty when you say it like that." With that, she turns off the stereo she'd put to good use keeping the repair job from becoming mind-numbingly boring, and heads out to the balcony.

The zip line gears are way high up, but she can just reach them with a little help from a stool. "God, ancient junkoleum. You gotta update this turd someday, Artie."

And it's all fun and games until the autovac comes out on the balcony and runs right into Claudia's stool. "Hey - be careful!" She grabs the zip line's vest support - which turns out to be a good thing, when she kicks her stool over - and can only watch helplessly as the stool turns the zip line on. "nononono CRAAAAP!"

Flying, it turns out, is a lot more fun when one is expecting to do it. "Crappitycrapcrap oh god this is not good! This is not gonna look good on my report card! oh my god okay don't panic..." She tries to think it in large, friendly letters, even, but it doesn't really help, even as the support slows to a halt somewhere over the middle of the Warehouse.

"um. WWAD - What Would Artie Do?" ("I would have used a ladder, Claudia," the Artie-sounding part of her brain fills in, "and not been caught in this mess in the first place.") "...Momentum! Gotta get momentum!" She tries to swing the gear a little farther down the line, but it's a lot harder than she would've suspected just from looking at it. "Come on, momentum, let's go!"

But then she feels the tension in the zip line - already not the world's greatest, since she hadn't tightened it yet, what, was Pete taking it for joyrides or something? - give way. "nononoNO--"

And then there's really not much point in trying to be coherent. Freefalling and crashing through a roof(??? THERE ARE WHOLE BUILDINGS IN HERE???) really only calls for primal terror, in the end.

canon time is now

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