OOM From The Future: in which there are many shiny autographs

Oct 06, 2010 18:32

Vintage 429
New Orleans, Louisiana

It might've been more useful to try to track Lancaster down last night, if Claudia were here with Pete or Myka or even Artie. But Jamie's a noob, and she didn't really give him much of an explanation on the plane, so she thought the time was better used filling him in - not to mention, the both of 'em needed sleep.
For want of any better leads, they're following up on the autograph signing thingy Artie mentioned. (Apparently there's going to be some kind of charity auction, along with the more usual kind of signing shenanigans.) The site is easy to find, at least, being smack in the middle of the French Quarter; Claudia's not sure what she was expecting, when she got there, but it definitely wasn't walls crammed with autographed stuff of all sorts. (And that's not even touching the window displays or boxes of unframed things.)

plot from the future, the dimension-hopping kid, extra-canon

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