(no subject)

Mar 25, 2005 09:39

I woke up to thunderstorms this morning, so I may have to turn my computer off v. soon, but not before I offer an er...double drabble. shirebound reminded me of a special LOTR date today, New Year's! ;-) So...yeah. Actually, I stopped counting at 200, so let us just call this a ficlet...

They watched the New Year’s fireworks from their terrace, which Frodo determined, offered the best view in all of Minas Tirith. He stood on a marble bench so that the stone banister did not obscure his view. He held a wide-awake Ellohir on his hip, and Aragorn kept his arm firmly around Frodo’s waist, which helped to support Ellohir’s weight.

Ellohir stared with big blue eyes, tiny lips slightly parted, at the blazing explosions of flowers and snakes in the sky. He would then study Frodo’s face, touching, trying to determine whether to cry and cling to Frodo’s neck or giggle with delight.

“Almost like Gandalf’s,” Frodo said softly. “I remember how the hobbit children laughed at Bilbo’s birthday party. How I miss that sound!”

An explosion of bright, colorful butterflies filled the sky, flapping their sparkling wings and this time Ellohir bravely stretched out his hands, as if he could capture them, and he chortled in glee.

“There is our hobbit laughter,” Aragorn said. He kissed Frodo while the butterflies disintegrated and fluttered out of the sky like embers.

Aragorn laughed, but then he sobered and looked up to the black sky. “Not a year goes by when I do not remember, really remember.”

“I am only glad that there is still children’s laughter to be heard,” Frodo said, kissing the top of Ellohir’s head.

A brilliant sunflower formed in the sky and it exploded into yellow fairy sparkles, and Ellohir joined the giggles and shrieks of joy of carefree children all over Minas Tirith.

Go on to next part

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