A Surprise, part 7 (FOR LILY)

Mar 08, 2010 20:38

Title: A Surprise part 7
Rating: Adult
Pairing: Frodo/Halbarad
Summary: Frodo and Halbarad living randomly together in Bree. TOTALLY AU. Obviously. And then something VERY unexpected happens. Based on the TLC show “I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant.” :D
Warning: GRAPHIC and I mean GRAPHIC MPREG! (that's male pregnancy).
A/N: FOR lilybaggins. I hope you enjoy this, sweetie!

Part 1-mpreg
Part 2
Part 3-mpreg
Part 4
Part 5-mpreg
Part 6

From somewhere far away Frodo heard Strider’s voice, coaxing him, encouraging him. “You can do it, Frodo. Push with the pain. Let yourself become mad with fury. Direct it all at me if you like. Or Halbarad.”

Frodo tried to cry out his frustration that he was indeed angry. Oh, he would to have words with Halbarad after this was over. Halbarad was never going to touch him again. Oh, no. They would have separate beds, separate cottages.

“Aragorn, he’s bleeding,” Halbarad said sharply.

“This bleeding is normal. Come, I can see the head again. Push again, Frodo.”

Frodo obeyed Strider and tried to push, although he did not know where he could find the strength. But to not push was also impossible. It hurt and pinched, and bright, radiating pain filled his world. He yelled and moaned, flinging his head from side to side. When had his world not been completely filled with pain? “Cut the baby out, just cut it out.”

“It’s coming,” Strider said. “Another few pushes. Keep that fury coming.”

More radiating horrific pain and a gush of blood. Strider’s eager look darkened to concern. Frodo could barely see him. A shimmering veil of black had fallen over his vision. "What's wrong?" Frodo managed. "What's wrong with the baby?"

“What is it?” Halbarad asked sharply.

“The babe is stuck at the shoulder. It’s ripping into Frodo, causing the bleeding.”

“Do something.” Through the fog of pain, Frodo was disturbed by the desperate tone of Halbarad’s voice. “I will not have him bleed to death.”

Bleeding to death would be preferable to this agony, Frodo thought. At least I’d feel no more. No more…no more…The world spun in shades of glimmering gray. Gray was pain, Frodo decided. He would ever more associate grayness with the worst agony of his life.

“You must remain calm, Halbarad,” Strider said. He bent over Frodo, kneeling on the bed, and he tugged at the baby's shoulder, positioning it this way and that. He tried this from several different angles. “Push again, Frodo. Now.”

The last pain had left Frodo’s whole body shuddering with shock and he wasn’t ready for another dose of it. He fell back on his pillow and the blackness took over, and he passed out.

The next thing he knew Strider was holding an ice-cold cloth on his brow. He spoke with stern urgency. “Wake up, Frodo. I need you with us right now. You must finish this. You’re almost there.”

Frodo whimpered, unable to bear it but too weak to protest, too weak to cry out anymore. He let out a terrible, drawn-out moan, like that of a dying animal. “Please…just let me…please take him out. Cut him out if need be.”

Strider packed towels around the babe’s head.

“We’re almost there, sweetheart.” Halbarad held him again, kissing his head and whispering soft endearments to him.

“Push, Frodo,” Aragorn said. “I know well it hurts, but I need to see a bit of the shoulder so I can move his position. Can you do that for me?”

Halbarad squeezed his hand and nodded. Frodo craned his head up to see Halbarad. He was trying so hard to hide the worry in his eyes.

Frodo nodded and leaned back into Halbarad. He was slimy with sweat, what he wouldn’t give for some cold water drizzled on his back, but he had not the strength to ask for it. He pushed against a newly savage pain.

“I see the head, I see it again,” Strider said. Another mighty pain ripped through Frodo, and he felt as if his insides shattered into shards of glass. “Okay, this time when you push, he should be able to come out.”

Frodo geared himself up. He had no choice but to trust Strider’s words, to fully trust that this time when he pushed, the pain would be bad, yes, but not unnatural, not without purpose.

“Ready?” Halbarad asked him.

Frodo nodded. “Yes, yes, I believe I can do this now.”

“You’re doing marvelous. Now I want you to push as hard as you can. Just remember that when the babe comes out, you can rest. I will give you a draught to let you sleep without pain.”

Frodo nodded. Without pain. That was the best thing Strider had said all day. Or was it night? Frodo had lost track of the passage of time since his ordeal had begun. Yes, but his ordeal was about to end, was it not. A strangely giddy second wind overtook him.

I will get this babe out right now, even if it kills me. At least then I can die in peace.

“Ready?" Strider must have seen the new strength in Frodo's eyes. "Now I need you to get angry now, okay? Get so angry that you have to push.”

Frodo again pushed with all his might. He felt a pulling, tugging, tearing, and he wanted to scream but he could not spare the energy for it so he kept pushing through the fury.

“It’s coming, it’s coming, the shoulders are out.” Frodo heard this is as if from a great distance.

Strider grasped the baby’s shoulders and gave it a big, strong yank. He was being ripped into millions of jagged pieces, but it did not matter, the worst was over, the babe was out. Frodo heard a kitten-like mewling, a crying. The baby was alive, and it sounded like it had a healthy set of lungs.

“Your son,” Strider was saying in wonder.

“He’s bleeding,” Halbarad said tersely. “See to Frodo.”

Frodo’s lips felt cold and numb, and he could no longer keep his eyes open. He felt towels down there and Strider barking instructions to someone, no doubt Halbarad. Halbarad moved swiftly from his place behind Frodo to in front of him to press the towels into him. Frodo felt wet warmth seep from him. He could see how soaked with red they became within so short a time.

“Halbarad,” Frodo murmured.

“You did it,” Halbarad said. Frodo opened his eyes briefly and saw only fear there. Worry. Something was wrong.


Go on to next part

a surprise

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