Who: Hester Shaw and Ana Fang
What: a young psycho lady gets that motherly "I'm not mad, just dissapointed" look
When: Saturday Night
Where: Ana's house
So I take that screaming in my head
I walk through those doors and stand there staring
And my hand slips into my coat and everything just freezes... )
Comments 22
When the knock finally came, Anna furried to the door, holding her robe around her tightly. Hr hair was still damp from the long bath she had tried to force herself to take, trying to relax.
It came to no avail.
Instead she found herself, damp, pruney, and still wound up tight. Not even her favriote pea green Satin pajamas where helping tonight.
"Hester!!" Anna didn't know weither to throw her arms around the girl or just stand there, staring.
Saddly, the later happened before she meant it to.
Arms crossed, silk robe and satin night gown hanging delicately around her petite frame, her dark eyes stern, and yet, yearning.
Well that and it could be that Anna had obviously just come out of the bath. The door was still hanging open slightly, peeling out warm, moist air.
Hester closed the door behind her and looked up sheepishly at her behind the locks she hung down over her face and the scarf that walled her away. "Uh...hi?"
But, Anna should have known beter. Hester was not one to confess 'sins', she needed to approval for her action. The girl did as she pleased and nothing more. No matter how Anna tried.
Instead of shouting, or exploding, Anna sighed and sat down on a cushion on the floor beside her low Kotasu.
"Sit down hester, Take off your boots, and come and sit down." Instead of watching the girl disroab, Anna put her head in ehr hand, rubbing her templed friviously. Her head was pouding, and she was trying to not let her heavy disapointment, and pain, show.
She followed Anna into the kitchen and sat down cross legged at the warm little table, folded her forearms on top of each other, putting little body defenses up.
She looked up to Anna then back down, suddenly fascinated by her fingernails. Jesus were they ever grubby. How could Jan be so obviously attracted to her with such grubby, ravaged fingernails?
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