Who: Hester Shaw and Ana Fang
What: a young psycho lady gets that motherly "I'm not mad, just dissapointed" look
When: Saturday Night
Where: Ana's house
So I take that screaming in my head
I walk through those doors and stand there staring
And my hand slips into my coat and everything just freezes... )
When the knock finally came, Anna furried to the door, holding her robe around her tightly. Hr hair was still damp from the long bath she had tried to force herself to take, trying to relax.
It came to no avail.
Instead she found herself, damp, pruney, and still wound up tight. Not even her favriote pea green Satin pajamas where helping tonight.
"Hester!!" Anna didn't know weither to throw her arms around the girl or just stand there, staring.
Saddly, the later happened before she meant it to.
Arms crossed, silk robe and satin night gown hanging delicately around her petite frame, her dark eyes stern, and yet, yearning.
Well that and it could be that Anna had obviously just come out of the bath. The door was still hanging open slightly, peeling out warm, moist air.
Hester closed the door behind her and looked up sheepishly at her behind the locks she hung down over her face and the scarf that walled her away. "Uh...hi?"
But, Anna should have known beter. Hester was not one to confess 'sins', she needed to approval for her action. The girl did as she pleased and nothing more. No matter how Anna tried.
Instead of shouting, or exploding, Anna sighed and sat down on a cushion on the floor beside her low Kotasu.
"Sit down hester, Take off your boots, and come and sit down." Instead of watching the girl disroab, Anna put her head in ehr hand, rubbing her templed friviously. Her head was pouding, and she was trying to not let her heavy disapointment, and pain, show.
She followed Anna into the kitchen and sat down cross legged at the warm little table, folded her forearms on top of each other, putting little body defenses up.
She looked up to Anna then back down, suddenly fascinated by her fingernails. Jesus were they ever grubby. How could Jan be so obviously attracted to her with such grubby, ravaged fingernails?
An old habit, from serving tea in the brothel to customers. Something she would never forget.
"Are you going to tell me what happened Hester, or do I have to pry it from you?" Holding the warm cup in thin fingers, her nails long and painted the same lipstick red as the Jenny.
"Do you.. have any idea how scared- how worried I was." Looking up now, her mocha eyes nearly swimming with emotions. This girl... how badly she wanted to make this girl her own. Didn't Hester know how much she loved her?
"Wow. I can't sneak shit past you, can I..." Hester took a deep breath then sighed. "Me and the V...Jan Valentine have been fighting...a kind of on again off again beef for the past two months or so. First I demanded he tell me where Thaddeus is..." At knife point. "...then things kind of escalated. We clashed a couple times...fought in the streets...until. I..." Hester's composure seemed fragile and thin as an eggshell. "I played my trump card. I set him up. But...he doesn't know where Thaddeus is and...and i'm a snitch and his girlfriend's losing her marbles and I don't know how to fix it. I told him i'm sorry but...he shrugged it off. The cops were waiting for something like this to happen and n...now th-they won't listen to me. They just wanted to l-lock him up." She put her hands on ( ... )
Getting away...it was a futile thing. Even birds were bound by gravity. They got exhausted and had to snuggle in their nests. What Anna was talking about was an illusion. But it was an infectious attitude.
Distracting herself from herself by fiddling with the tea she couldn't drink here (too awkward; hard to work with the scarf), she took her hand and squeezed. Anna's hands were warm and wrinkled from her bath, strong and reassuring.
"...I think i'm ready to fly again." That was the closest she'd get to acknowledging her speech.
So she wrapped the other hand around his fists, hoping to warm the girl's a little.
"Just don't fly away from me Hes." Stroking fingers softly. "I want to help. You know I do. Why don't you go take a bath, and I'll cook you something. I've got some clean pajama's on my bed, you can wear those. I'll wash you're clothes tonight." But she didin't let go. She didn't look away.
"I'm sorry for what Valentine did to you. But nothing can change that. We can't have our parents back, we can't change our pasts. I'm not that diffrent from you Hes, and I don't want you to live the life I felt forced to either. So," Anna let go very slowly, and sat back on her knees with out breaking eye contact. "go take a nice hot shower, put on some fresh clothes on, and I'll make you something ok?" Rising gracefully, Anna pulled her soft robe around her more, tying it tightly. Then turning to Hester, gave her a sort of sad, but loving smile, before turning and heading towards the fridge.
If only Hester would make up her mind and stay for good. But if she kept running loose like a stray cat Anna feared she may never get through to her. She didn't want Hester to deal with the heartache that came from living that life, Anna already knew that feeling well enough for the both of them.
Finishing the glass, Anna went to the fridge to get a refill, and a fish filet.
I'm glad I defrosted this...
Anna turned from cooking and gave hester a dirty look as she entered timidly.
"Don't take a shower then put you're dirty clothes back on! I left you some clean clothes on my bed!" Anna sighed and shook her head.
children are impossiable.
Prideful, she lifted her nose as much as she dared. "They're my clothes and I'll be wearing them." She made enough of a compromise, however, to hang her coat up. She wrung her hands awkwardly, not having pockets to stick them into (Grike's inheritance hung heavy on the inside left), nothing more than black jeans and a hoodie.
"Something I can do to...help?" She said, leaning against the doorway. Hester knew how to scavenge food and blast it into something vaguely edible but she had no experience with the kind of rich, authentic cooking Anna tended to do.
But She would never loose hope in Hester. If she had nothing else for the girl, she would alway shave hope.
Hope that one day the girl may turn around and aceept her kindness.
"If you could wash that lettece over there, that would be really helpful Hes, Thanks." Anna stirred the pan a little before replacing the lid, and then turned and picked up her wine glass sipping it a little.
"So Hester, tell me... what is you're plan? Whatwhat are you out doing all the time that you can't come home? Or do you simply... refuse to do so?" Anna rubbed her temples a little and sighed aloud. "I worry about you."
Having nothing else to do with her hands, she swept up a knife and a chopping board and sliced all the applicable vegetables with a truly disturbing amount of skill and speed.
"The Val...Jan's a cock. But I think I understand why he's a cock."
It was always plesent, and somewhat strange, when Hester spoke to her like this.
Anna wished it happened more.
So she hopped up to sit on the counter and drink her wine and listen.
When Hester seemed finished for the moment, Anna leaned over and bit, her voice as saft, and motherly as she could muster.
"It's not his fault he's related to our Valentine, Hes. The poor kid, well he seems a little messed up. Let him be. I mean what did he do to you, besides who hes related to. Revenge isen't going to get us anywhere. I-" Pausing, she found herself rubbing her temple again, and stopped. Trying to deny the headache that was throbbing through her skull.
"What will is it going to take? To get you to let this go, even just for a little while- or did you think I haden't seen your report card?"
It seemed to pass though, the demon replaced by the confused runaway. "But this Valentine clearly knows nothing. Found out he's adopted anyway. And I don't know where he is...so I guess I can suspend it for a little bit." Had Hester made...a friend? She didn't know what she would call her and Jan's relationship. It was a heady mix of hatred, disgust, sexual tension and the recognition of kindred spirits.
"I'll even friggin' try studying for a bit...Yknow, just as a favor to you." She didn't want to make Anna distressed...one reason why she hid things from her most of the time.
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