FIC: Recovery - 1/2, PG13 (Orlando Bloom, Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Katie McGrath)

Apr 23, 2011 10:00

Title: "Recovery" 1/2
Authors: Brenda & Jo (azewewish & idiosyncratic)
Featuring: Orlando Bloom, Harry Sinclair, Karl Urban, Katie McGrath
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Vampires still don't exist. And we doubt Katie's ever cooked for Orlando.
Summary: Wherein there's physical therapy, Orlando learns a few new things about Katie, and Karl and Orlando have a long overdue talk about the past.
Notes: Takes place about a month after Caretaker.

Orlando turned another page in his book, then his nose twitched as the smell of oregano, garlic, and tomatoes drifted into the library. He let the book fall to his chest and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. "Whatever that is cooking," he said, opening his eyes as Katie appeared in the doorway, "it smells fantastic."

"Chicken cacciatore," she answered. "I take it you're hungry?"

"Starving," he admitted as his stomach let out a loud growl.

"Alright, then, up with you. You can eat in the dining room tonight."

Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail, but strands had escaped to drift around her face, forming a halo in the light. It suited her, he thought, as did the loose, faded t-shirt that was two sizes too big for her frame and the faded, ripped jeans that clung to long legs. Even after several weeks in her almost constant company, Orlando was still amazed at how many different looks she had.

"You're letting me walk?" he finally asked, wary.

Katie nodded. "I'll help you, but it's time for you to start getting back on your feet."

"I think I love you," Orlando replied, sincerely, certain that if he weren't already bound to Karl and Harry (and still in love with Dave and, well, still not interested in girls), he probably wound have gone to his knees and pledged fealty to her like some sort of knight back in medieval times. Just the prospect of being able to move around under his own power was almost too much to contemplate.

Katie laughed as she wrapped an arm around Orlando's waist. "Don't go swearing your undying love to me right now. You're going to hate me by the time we get to the table, I promise."

Orlando slowly made his way to his feet. Already, sweat beads were popping from his forehead. His legs felt wobbly, unstable, like a newborn colt's, and he had to lean heavily on Katie for support. "Christ," he muttered.

"Light-headed?" Katie asked, eyeing him with professional concern.

"No, just short of breath. And my legs feel like jelly."

"That's normal. We'll give you a minute, then be off."

"Two minutes?" He wasn't sure his knees, traitors that they were, would cooperate.

Katie gave his waist a light squeeze. "As many as you need. Just standing up is an impressive feat right now, so you tell me when you're ready."

Orlando nodded. Right, he could do this. When it seemed as if his body was finally willing to cooperate, he exhaled slowly. "Alright," he said, praying he didn't collapse with the first step, "I'm ready."

"Just take it easy."

It felt like the longest journey in the history of the universe (or, at the very least, his life) - each step was more of a shuffle, and he had to rest what felt like every two feet. But finally, he made his way into the dining room, Katie still holding him steady and helping him keep his balance. He knew he'd have fallen flat on his ass long ago if she hadn't been around.

"You're doing great," she encouraged, as he grasped the edge of the table and sank gratefully into one of the chairs. "Want some water?"

Orlando could only nod. He didn't trust himself to speak through the burning in his lungs. Plus, he was too busy trying to figure out of if the trembling in his limbs was supposed to be a good sign or a bad one, and if he should tell Katie about it. He didn't want a relapse, but now that he'd finally gotten a taste of walking on his own again, as arduous as it had been, he wasn't about to give it up without a fight.

Katie returned from the kitchen and set his glass in front of him, then took the chair next to him. She pressed two fingers to his pulse, and felt his forehead with her other hand. "How're you feeling, champ?"

"Like I've run a marathon," he replied, deciding honesty was the way to go. Besides, in the last month Katie had been his nurse, she'd developed an uncanny knack for knowing when he was lying.

"To be expected. You could probably use a go in the hot tub to loosen the muscles in your legs." Apparently satisfied with Orlando's vital signs, Katie dropped her hands. "Are you working with the free weights like I asked?"

"Twice a day, arms and legs, and it's getting easier. Harry helps me," he said, then added, when she frowned, "He doesn't actually do anything, just watches me to make sure I'm doing it right."

"And keeps you from overdoing it, I imagine."

"Well..." Orlando just flashed a grin, deciding it was probably best to not answer that. It wasn't like she didn't already know. "Now about that dinner..."

"Good, you're still hungry. A healthy appetite's a good sign," she said. "Stay here. I'll be right back."

"Where would I go? I can't even walk on my own yet," Orlando sighed, giving her what he hoped was his best puppy-eyed expression. "Hurry back?"

She just chuckled and ruffled his hair. "You really are far too adorable."

Orlando amused himself by drawing circles on the table with his finger while he waited for her to return. She appeared just long enough to drop off salad and hot garlic rolls, the vanished back into the kitchen. For a few seconds, it was a toss up as to whether his manners or hunger would win out, but Orlando contented himself with snagging a tomato slice from the salad before scooping some into the waiting bowls.

"I expected you'd have devoured the bowl by the time I got back," Katie teased, moments later as she set the pot in the center of the table.

"I wanted to," Orlando admitted, taking a deep breath as steam wafted up from the pot. His stomach rumbled, and he could feel the blush sweep up his face.

Katie just grinned before sitting across from him. Long minutes passed in silence as they ate. Then Orlando let out an appreciative groan and closed his eyes. "Remind me to have Harry give the chef a raise."

"Oh, she didn't make this," Katie said, forkful of salad halfway to her mouth. "I did."

Orlando blinked. "Damn, you can cook like this, as well as put up with my bitching? You really are a saint. How come you're single?"

"Who said I was?"

Orlando dropped his fork in shock. "You're not?"

"And let all of this awesomeness go to waste?" she teased, flipping her ponytail in a perfect imitation of a runway model.

"My mistake. So...are you seeing anyone I know?"

"He's a head engineer for one of Harry's tech firms. Mortal," Katie added. "His name's Taye. We've been seeing each other maybe a year now?"

"Huh," Orlando replied. He felt a little silly that he hadn't known. They'd spent so much time together, and it had never even occurred to him to ask if she was seeing anyone. Then again, he realized, he hadn't really thought to ask much about her at all.

"Don't look so surprised," Katie said, clearly amused at his reaction. "I do have a life away from you, you know."

"No, I know, you made that clear enough when you turned down the offer to move to the castle," Orlando said, then his brain caught up with what she had said. "Wait...Taye?" Now he remembered why the name sounded so familiar. He did know who Taye was. "Huh."


"Nothing," he quickly replied. "Just wouldn't have thought he was your type. I mean, he's not even a vampire and...oh. Oh, okay, I get it."

"I knew you were smarter than you looked."

"So, you've got a thing against dating other vampires?" He had to admit, now that the seal had been broken, so to speak, he was desperately curious about her life away from her duties taking care of him. And that she was dating Taye, of all people. Taye just seemed so...light-hearted. Not a serious bone in his body. And he was such a, well, geek, complete with the nerd glasses. Even if he was ridiculously good-looking, with cocoa skin, a nicely muscled body and a smile that could stop traffic.

"Not as such, I'm just not looking for anything long-term," she replied. "I like companions. They're fun, they don't expect anything, and they keep me feeling young."

"You are young," Orlando pointed out, then added, "In vampire years, anyway. But, it makes sense. I think that's why Liv keeps all of her pretty boys around."

"Liv? Oh, you mean The Elder? Gerry did mention once that she had a harem."

"Who has a harem?" Karl asked, as he walked into the room, Harry right beside him. They were both still in their business suits and had their attaché cases, which meant they must have just gotten out of their meetings and headed straight home. Orlando just swallowed and stared. Even after a decade of living with Harry and Karl, the sight of them in suits never failed to rob him of the power of speech for a few seconds.

"The Elder," Katie answered.

"Yes, she does," Karl laughed, and snagged a roll from the basket. "Somewhere around twenty or so at last count."

"And why," Harry said, deftly taking the roll from Karl after setting his case in an empty chair, "are we discussing Liv's harem?"

"We were actually discussing how companions keep you feeling young," Katie said. "They're fun and hassle free."

"That they are," Karl said, giving Harry a glare as he picked up another roll. "Was Orlando regaling you with stories of Jake?"

"No, we were talking about her companion," Orlando said. "He works for you, Harry."

"He does?"

"It's Taye," Katie replied.

"Diggs? Head of engineering at Jarvalus?"

"The very same." Katie pointed a finger between Harry and Karl. "I take it you two are hungry?"

"Do you have any more of whatever it is that smells so amazing?" Karl asked, comically waggling his eyebrows. He looked ridiculous, but completely endearing.

"I made extra just for you two," Katie stated, and stood. "Let me go grab some more bowls."

"Beautiful and talented and cooks." Harry let out a lusty sigh. "Are you certain you won't reconsider running off with me?"

"Just as soon as you're ready to ditch this one and Karl and Monica, let me know," Katie winked, then left the room.

Orlando sniffed, digging back into his food. "Monica will kill you," he said, not bothering to look up, "provided Karl and I don't first."

"Child has a point," Karl grinned, dropping into a free chair. Harry took the seat next to him.

"And Orlando hasn't even met Monica yet," Harry chuckled, shaking his head as he watched Orlando eat. "You must have been extra well behaved tonight for her to bring you in here for dinner."

"Actually," Katie said, returning with bowls and silverware, "Orlando walked in here on his own."

"She helped," Orlando mumbled.

Katie sat back down, spreading her napkin over her lap. "Nonsense. I just made sure you didn't fall. You did all the work."

Karl blinked, and even Harry looked startled. Orlando just looked at them, a small smile in place, as his bonds with them began to practically glow. "I'm so proud of you, little one," Harry said, tilting Orlando's chin up to give him a soft kiss.

Karl followed with his own kiss a moment later. "Makes two of us."

Katie looked at them. "He needs to start upping his physical therapy."

"What can we do?" Karl asked, laying a hand on top of Orlando's, and picking up his fork with the other.

"Help him get mobile again, make sure he starts walking regularly, make sure he continues to do his free weight exercises. Don't let him overdue it, but push him."

"Great, you've given the drill sergeants all the incentive they need."

"Oh, I don't doubt they're going to make you sweat," she told him blithely, ignoring the dirty look he gave her. "But they'll also be sure that you don't do more than you should, and we both know you'll try."

"I -"

Orlando stopped in mid-word when Katie held up one hand. "Don't even go there."

"Besides," Harry cut in smoothly, not even bothering to hide his amusement, the bastard, "the sooner you're up and running --"

"The sooner I can have sex again!" Orlando interrupted. If he had to go much longer without, he was pretty sure he was going to lose what was left of his mind. It had been months.

"Is that all he ever thinks about?" Katie asked, shaking her head.

"Yes," Karl replied, just as quickly.

"Which wasn't what I was going to say," Harry added. "One would think you'd be too busy trying to get your strength back than to worry about sex."

"I can't believe you think that Orlando wouldn't automatically think about sex," Karl chided. "It's like you don't even know him, puppy."

"Why can't I get my strength back by having sex?" Orlando suggested, giving his most winsome smile.

"One thing at a time," Katie said, and patted Orlando's free hand. "In the interim, you can build your strength for the walk back to the library."

Orlando groaned and dropped his head into his hand. "Can't Harry just carry me back in there?"

"Oh, no," Harry said, "you got here under your own power, you can get back the same way."


Karl chuckled, letting go of Orlando's hand long enough to grab another roll. "I'm sure you can persuade him to help."

"That's a long walk," Orlando reminded them. And as proud as he was of making it to the dining room, he wasn't at all looking forward to the trip back. His legs were still slightly wobbly.

"You can take as much time as you need," Katie told him. Not that it made him feel much better.

"Feel free to lean on me whenever you feel like a breather," Harry added.

"And, on that note, I really do have to be heading out."

"You're leaving?" Orlando asked, certain he had to be frowning.

"Hot date tonight," Katie replied, with a wink. "Besides, I trust the boys to take care of you until tomorrow."

"I'm being thrown over for an engineering geek," Orlando said, trying to give her the most pitiful look he could manage.

"You'll survive." Before he could say anything else, she pressed a quick kiss to the top of his head, gave Harry and Karl a quick, wide smile, and scooped up the empty dishes, then vanished into the kitchen.

"You know," Orlando said, staring after her with a frown, "I think she's laughing at me."

"I'm sure she is," Karl said, grinning as he forked up another bite of food.

"I meant all the time," Orlando said, sticking his tongue out at Karl.

"And I repeat, I'm sure she is."

"I don't like you very much right now," Orlando grumbled. He just barely resisted the urge to cross his arms and full-on pout.

"But you still love me, and that's all that matters," Karl replied, sounding far too agreeable for Orlando's tastes.

"Wouldn't you rather be liked?"

"Not really. It's so bland."

"And Karl hates to be bland," Harry added, just before scooping up his last bite of chicken.

"I don't think Karl could be bland if he tried," Orlando said, voice and face innocent as he watched Harry start to gather the remaining dishes.

"I could if I wanted..." Karl trailed off, then frowned slightly. He looked at Orlando for a moment. "I think I've just been insulted."

Orlando grinned and patted Karl's arm. "I still love you."

"Don't encourage him," Karl said when Harry laughed.

"So what's on the agenda for the rest of the night?" Orlando decided it was probably safer to change the subject before Karl could think too long on what he'd said.

"Getting you back to the library for one," Harry said, starting towards the kitchen.

"I'll need some help with that," Orlando pointed out, knowing it was cheeky, but unable to resist.

"Don't expect us to do any of the work for you," Karl replied, with a lift of his eyebrow.

"I'm not. I'm not," Orlando repeated, when Karl just looked at him. "It's might take awhile. I'm not exactly moving at top speed."

"None of us have anywhere to be," Karl reminded him, as Harry walked back into the dining room.

"Ready?" Harry asked, looking between Orlando and Karl.

"As I'll ever be," Orlando sighed, and accepted Harry's aid to get back to his feet. He couldn't help but be grateful that Harry immediately wrapped an arm around his waist to steady him. He had a feeling the walk back was going to take even longer.

"You can do it," Karl encouraged, from Orlando's other side. "Just remember to breathe and take your time."

"Don't have to worry about that," Orlando said through gritted teeth. He wrapped one hand over Harry's shoulder, reached out with the other to grip Karl's forearm, and took a deep breath. Then he took his first step.

Oh, yeah, it was going to be a long walk. His legs trembled, threatening to give way, and each step was a monumental achievement as far as Orlando was concerned.

"Let's...move the...library...closer to the...dining room," Orlando managed, huffing out each word as he concentrated on keeping his feet under him.

"The stairs are going to kill him," Karl remarked.

"Lucky for him, he doesn't have to tackle those tonight," Harry replied, tightening his hold on Orlando.

"Don't...joke...around." Orlando struggled to remain upright as the door to the library inched closer and closer.

"I would never joke about you climbing stairs," Karl said, then grinned. "And you're so worried about having sex."

"Shut up," Orlando grumbled, wishing he had enough balance to elbow Karl in the ribs. Bastard.

"Careful now. Concentrate or you'll fall on your ass."

"Harry won't...let me," Orlando said, but he tightened his grip on Harry's shoulder just the same. He didn't think Harry would let him fall, but he'd learned long ago to never assume where Harry was concerned.

Harry just smiled. "Do you need to rest a minute?"

Orlando shook his head, then abruptly stopped he started to tip towards Karl. Who reached to catch him, Orlando noted. Ha. "No, just...get the sofa."

After what felt like an hour, Orlando sank onto the cushions with a grateful sigh. His shirt was drenched with sweat, his hair was sticking to his neck and forehead, but he didn't care. He flopped back on the pillows and closed his eyes. "Fuck me...that was not fun."

"It'll get easier," Harry promised, and pressed a glass of water into his hands. "Drink."

"Yes, Dad," Orlando sighed, but did as ordered. He felt better almost immediately, but definitely didn't feel up to moving at all. Maybe ever. The thought of simply living on the sofa was beginning to hold considerable appeal.

"And you still think it's a good idea for me to head off?" he heard Harry say, and cracked open an eyelid.

"Head off where?"

"Harry needs a proper vacation," Karl shrugged. He'd settled onto the other sofa, managing to look both elegant and comfortable with his tie loosened and his feet bare.

"I can't simply leave," Harry argued, sinking to sit next to Karl.

"Why not?" Orlando asked, confused.

Harry just returned his look calmly and didn't speak.

Oh, Orlando thought, it was like that. "Did you see me walk?"

"I saw that you needed a lot of help."

Orlando rolled his eyes. He knew that he'd have fallen on his face without Harry and Karl to support him, but still. "I'm fine," he said, shifting until his legs were tucked under him (a feat that took a few tries). "Look, I don't need a babysitter, and even if I did, there's Katie. And it's not like Karl's going anywhere while you're gone a week or however long...right?"

"No," Karl said, clearly amused, eyes shifting from Orlando to Harry. "I'll be staying here."

"Then it's settled," Orlando said, crossing his arms and trying to keep his expression bland. "Where are you going?"

Harry glowered at Karl for a moment before speaking. It sounded as though each word was being forced out of him. "I haven't seen Monica in awhile."

"It's been over a year," Karl argued. "And I want you gone a month, not a week."

"You can't expect me to disappear for a fucking month, old man."

"I can, and I do. Orlando's out of danger, he's doing great, he's got Katie and me and everyone else, and it's time you focused on yourself for a change."

"I am right here in the room, you know," Orlando said, not that he thought either of them even remembered it.

"You miss her," Karl continued, like he hadn't even heard Orlando's protest. He didn't look away from Harry. "You know you do, and I know you do. You should take some time and be with her."

Harry scrubbed a hand over his face. "It's not a matter of missing her company, you know this."

"Then tell me what it is?"

"It's - "

Orlando used what little strength he had to sail a pillow in Harry's direction. It flopped feebly into his lap, but Harry stopped and stared at Orlando. So did Karl. "Now that I have your attention," Orlando said, quiet, unsure what to say now, "um...Karl's right. You should take a month."

"Orlando, a month is - "

"Four weeks, yes, not one, I know." If he gave Harry the chance, Orlando would never get a word in. "Do you miss her?"

"No evading," Karl added.

For a long moment, it looked like Harry was either going to ignore them or walk out of the room. Orlando hoped he wouldn't, because no way he had the strength to even attempt to go after him, and it wouldn't help Karl's cause if Orlando collapsed in a heap on the carpet. Finally, Harry sighed.


"Alright, then, problem solved," Karl stated, and gently cupped Harry's cheek, thumb brushing over dark bristles. "There's nothing wrong with admitting it or doing something about it."

"Under normal circumstances, no," Harry answered, softly. "But this isn't normal."

"It's as normal as it's going to get for a while," Orlando said. "If anything we do can be called normal."

"See, even Orlando agrees. Do I need to call Monica and ask her opinion?"

Harry's expression turned so foreboding at Karl's threat that Orlando swallowed before speaking. "I really am doing much better, you know. And if you dare say that you won't go because of me, I'll...I'll...I'll thrash you within an inch of your life."

"And in what century would this thrashing take place?"

Smug bastard. "I can be very patient," Orlando replied, lifting his chin. "You'll never see it coming."

"Of course not," Harry said, in a mild tone that just made Orlando want to throttle him on general principle.

"The point is, she's got an opening coming up," Karl said. "You should be there for it. You've never missed one."

"No, I suppose I haven't," Harry replied, then his expression softened when he turned back to Orlando. "Are you certain you'll be alright?"

Orlando resisted the urge to scream. Then he silently counted to ten. "With Katie and Karl watching over me, I can't be anything but alright," Orlando said, lightly touching their bond in an effort to reassure Harry. "And if you knew the shit that Josh and Dom and Lij give me if I even think about doing something I shouldn't..."

"Not to mention Viggo," Karl added, with far too much glee.

As if he could. "He's here at least twice a week," Orlando said, shaking his head at the idea. "I really do think he's going to put me to work for him."

"Little one, it's already a definite," Harry said, as Karl stifled laughter.

"I know." Orlando paused and chewed his bottom lip as he studied Harry. "Harry, love...listen. I'll be fine, and you really do need to take some time for yourself. And since you miss Monica..."

"But for a month?"

"I promise, I'll be alright. You don't have to be around every minute of my recovery, you know." Another pause, then he realized he had the side of his thumb between his teeth. Dropping his hand back to his lap, he tilted his head. "How did you meet her, anyway? You've never said."

"If I remember correctly, it was Viggo's fault, wasn't it?" Karl asked, with a grin that Orlando knew meant trouble.

"I wouldn't call it fault, precisely." At Orlando's pointed look, Harry just sighed again. "There was an urgent Council matter that needed to be resolved with the Vatican, and Viggo sent me to negotiate it because of my...religious background. Karl accompanied me to smooth things over with the Italian aristocracy. One of the families threw this lavish welcoming party, and Monica was a guest."

"It was like witnessing a tornado when the two of them laid eyes on each other," Karl continued, in a gleeful tone, completely ignoring Harry's glower. "I don't think I saw you for a week after you hustled her away."

"I did not hustle her away."

"You hustled."

"It was a mutual hustling," Harry countered. Karl switched sofas to sit by Orlando, and Orlando grinned at the stoic look that flashed across Harry's face.

"In Harry's defense," Karl said, draping one arm along the back of the sofa and inviting Orlando to snuggle close, "I'm pretty sure Monica had him mostly naked before they reached a private room."

"So tell me about that first time," Orlando said as he tugged the blanket up over him. When he looked back up, they were both looking at him with peculiar expressions. "What?"

"You want me to tell you about my first time with Monica?"

Continued in Part Two

recovery, harry sinclair, karl urban, katie mcgrath, co-written by brenda and jo, orlando bloom

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