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Comments 10

miabicicletta February 23 2011, 19:07:37 UTC
Having never read the books, or seen any movies, or gleaned anything about the plot (is "plot" the right word?) beyond "pale damsel struggles with even-paler angst-ridden supernatural suitors amongst the misty evergreens," I feel it is a bit unfair to have an opinion such as this, but I will share it anyway. I think that Twilight fic should be like Fight Club.

The first rule of Twilight fic is: there is no Twilight Fic.

That being said, the self-directed snark and sanity-questioning in the Author notes is delightfully fun. Kind of reminds you how even the crazypants ventures that hijack our minds until we've bled it out on the word processor are all about having good fun. Well, fun and crack. And comments. You get my point.


cj_quickwit February 24 2011, 03:32:56 UTC
I suppose there's a little plot, in between chapters and chapters of deep introspective and/or angsty universe-pondering by Bella-Sue, the part where stalking is romanticized, and repeated uses of the word 'muttered'.

*is sorely resisting urge to rant and rant and rant*

lol, Fight Club. Considering I want to punch the entire fandom in the face, you're not far off.

And yes, I get your point. Especially considering that recently, the crazypants really did try to hijack my mind. Freaking Mirror!Roslin, that crazy bitch.


obsessive_a101 February 24 2011, 00:52:28 UTC
Oh, gods... If I start ranting about this "saga", I will never stop. >>" Forget rambling and random (LOL) - this would be outright rantage (and I made up that word just for this).

It's funny because the ONLY reason I read the entire saga (besides my general anal-ness about finishing books/series I've started) was because one of my closest friends had started out loving the series and bought me the SECOND book for my Birthday (she's an evil genius :D). Btw, she now hates everything about it. I think she hates it more than me possibly because I was rather "meh" about it, but hers was love turned into hatred of the purest sort. My sister, young as she was, started out loving it, but it was a mocking/sarcastic sort of love for the books that eventually turned into hate as well when she saw and heard about it all the time and all around.


Honestly, though, to be fair, I understand why it became so popular, and I ( ... )


cj_quickwit February 24 2011, 04:57:49 UTC
I had to forcefully push away the urge to rant in detail. I could go on for days about all the things it is about this series that piss me off.

The only reason I finished it: I was waiting for the moment. The moment where I realized why, exactly all of these people are in love with it. I was so sure - because can that many people be so very wrong about something? - that it would all make brilliant sense at a certain point and I would go, "Oh, this is what they're talking about."

Needless to say, by the time I got to the end of Breaking Dawn ... I had not had a eureka moment. I was completely and utterly confused and not a little bit ill.

Wait, what? People compare this stuff to Shakespeare? To Jane Austen? What the fuck? Seriously. What. The. Fuck? You can't, you just can't, do that shit! The greatest, the very best there's ever been ... *is disgusted ( ... )


obsessive_a101 February 26 2011, 03:58:02 UTC
I'm mostly ranted out with the same friend that bought that first book for me. XD We had many therapeutic exchanges on the subject matter.

Wait, what? People compare this stuff to Shakespeare? To Jane Austen? What the fuck? Seriously. What. The. Fuck? You can't, you just can't, do that shit! The greatest, the very best there's ever been ... *is disgusted*

To be fair, I wouldn't say it's an indirect comparison made by people as much as what the author herself aimed for. (Which reminds me of why I *shudder* and take *calming breaths* ever time I see the "alternative" book releases of the classics associated with it.) Each of the books were supposed to thematically follow a certain sort of literature... I believe the first was Pride and Prejudice, the second was Romeo and Juliet, and the third was Wuthering Heights... I can't be sure this is correct, but I can't bring myself to look at the books, so I will say those are the approximate parallels made ( ... )


cj_quickwit February 26 2011, 05:02:14 UTC
If she was aiming for Austen ... I think that she may have instead accomplished the Most. Epic. Fail. Ever. If I squint and turn my head to the side, maybe I can see where she tried for the themes. But looking at Twilight from that angle makes me sick.

Good point, one that I've not thought of before, at least they're reading. I just wish that their introduction to literature could have been more, you know ( ... )


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