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obsessive_a101 February 24 2011, 00:52:28 UTC
Oh, gods... If I start ranting about this "saga", I will never stop. >>" Forget rambling and random (LOL) - this would be outright rantage (and I made up that word just for this).

It's funny because the ONLY reason I read the entire saga (besides my general anal-ness about finishing books/series I've started) was because one of my closest friends had started out loving the series and bought me the SECOND book for my Birthday (she's an evil genius :D). Btw, she now hates everything about it. I think she hates it more than me possibly because I was rather "meh" about it, but hers was love turned into hatred of the purest sort. My sister, young as she was, started out loving it, but it was a mocking/sarcastic sort of love for the books that eventually turned into hate as well when she saw and heard about it all the time and all around.


Honestly, though, to be fair, I understand why it became so popular, and I can see (if I squint and ignore a lot of other factors) its entertainment value, but it's just so... shallow. HER WRITING HORRIFIES ME BECAUSE SHE'S ONE OF THE FEW AUTHORS I HAVE EVER READ WHOSE WRITING GOT WORSE AS THE SERIES PROGRESSED, and I mean writing in its most pure and basic sense - forget plotting or character development, just the writing itself got worse as time went on. ><"

Anyway, that aside, you are not crazy. *pets and calms your sanity* I've found myself reading a few Twilight fics myself (through the coercion of my sister mostly - there was only one that I read by my own choice because it was by an X-Men author who I liked and enjoyed immensely, and I was so MORBIDLY curious; and at least, THIS author did her research >>").

These A/N's are awesome. XD


cj_quickwit February 24 2011, 04:57:49 UTC
I had to forcefully push away the urge to rant in detail. I could go on for days about all the things it is about this series that piss me off.

The only reason I finished it: I was waiting for the moment. The moment where I realized why, exactly all of these people are in love with it. I was so sure - because can that many people be so very wrong about something? - that it would all make brilliant sense at a certain point and I would go, "Oh, this is what they're talking about."

Needless to say, by the time I got to the end of Breaking Dawn ... I had not had a eureka moment. I was completely and utterly confused and not a little bit ill.

Wait, what? People compare this stuff to Shakespeare? To Jane Austen? What the fuck? Seriously. What. The. Fuck? You can't, you just can't, do that shit! The greatest, the very best there's ever been ... *is disgusted*

*snorts* You're so right. It did get worse. By the end of series I would have to put the book down every page just to calm myself.

I understand why it's so popular too, and it makes me lose all faith in the future of the human race. Seriously, teeny boppers? This is who you're looking up to?

Let my daughters be Hermione fucking Granger's, not clingy and pathetic Bella Swan's.

I checked out the fic (and it was actually researched!), then skipped for the author's page in search of X-Men fic. Only to discover, I know this author! This is the author that wrote, like, the ULTIMATE Cedric/Hermione Cedric lives AU in Harry Potter. I've read that epic like four times.


obsessive_a101 February 26 2011, 03:58:02 UTC
I'm mostly ranted out with the same friend that bought that first book for me. XD We had many therapeutic exchanges on the subject matter.

Wait, what? People compare this stuff to Shakespeare? To Jane Austen? What the fuck? Seriously. What. The. Fuck? You can't, you just can't, do that shit! The greatest, the very best there's ever been ... *is disgusted*

To be fair, I wouldn't say it's an indirect comparison made by people as much as what the author herself aimed for. (Which reminds me of why I *shudder* and take *calming breaths* ever time I see the "alternative" book releases of the classics associated with it.) Each of the books were supposed to thematically follow a certain sort of literature... I believe the first was Pride and Prejudice, the second was Romeo and Juliet, and the third was Wuthering Heights... I can't be sure this is correct, but I can't bring myself to look at the books, so I will say those are the approximate parallels made.

On the bright side, I'm looking on the positives that those teeny-boppers will move on to bigger and better things - by which, I mean better books. My sister read the Twilight saga first, but then proceeded to other YA series and Harry Potter which she loved, so it was all good in the end.


Ah! Are you an X-Men fan as well? :) And I'll have to check out some of her HP fic... I've only recently convinced myself (well, friend managed to convince me with nice recs) to read HP fanfic. (I have a certain stubbornness pertaining to reading fanfics... because I tend to read everything once I get started - if it's fanfic that mostly horrifies me, I'd rather not get started at all. XD)


cj_quickwit February 26 2011, 05:02:14 UTC
If she was aiming for Austen ... I think that she may have instead accomplished the Most. Epic. Fail. Ever. If I squint and turn my head to the side, maybe I can see where she tried for the themes. But looking at Twilight from that angle makes me sick.

Good point, one that I've not thought of before, at least they're reading. I just wish that their introduction to literature could have been more, you know?

Hermione really is the best role model a young girl could get. More focused on her grades than on impressing a boy, brave (with that little streak of rebelliousness that all girls should have) when she has to be, loyal to a fault, but clear minded and rational.

I'm totally an X-Men fan! Comics and cartoons, mostly, but I - as opposed to many others - loved the movies too. Then again ... Patrick Stewart. How could anyone not love it?

And I should warn you about HP fic: There's more fic out there for it than for any other fandom and a lot of it is awesome. Fantastic, best you'll ever read. But a lot more of it is ... the absolute worst. Trust me, I was a staffer at harrypotterfanfiction.com for years and ... yeah. I read thousands and thousands of stories. Some were out of this world good, but a lot of it was ... horrifying.


obsessive_a101 February 26 2011, 05:21:02 UTC
LOL! Maybe she hadn't meant to? But in the process of writing slight parallels popped up and she went with it? >>" I'm an odd person in terms of bitterness/anger/needing-vengeance... it ebbs and flows. XD

Yes, but hopefully, those were NOT their first books. *keeps fingers crossed* I think the Berenstein Bears would work better...

Also, on Hermione, I just totally agree. :)

AND YAY! X-MEN! Do you have a favorite character? :) I first fell in love with the cartoons (re-runs of the original animated series in the 1990's), then I liked the comics, though I have never been a collector... and I ALSO liked the movies. :) X2 was my favorite. X-men 3 disappointed me a bit, but probably only because I was expecting more I guess... >>" However, I am very unsure with the First Class one coming out. It feels like a movie that can go in either direction. However, I am looking forward to the Erik and Charles interaction. :3


cj_quickwit February 26 2011, 06:07:01 UTC
Favourite mutants? God ... Prof X, of course is one. The Dark Phoenix saga made me love Jean Grey more, because I love how she struggles with Omega level powers and goes total bad ass, then loses her powers completely, which must have been well difficult. Was a great story.

Archangel, cause I'm jealous and he was in a Star Trek crossover, which is just cool. Mystique, cause I'm even more jealous. And I really enjoyed Wolverine in the movies. Or maybe I really enjoyed Hugh Jackman being all hunky. It's hard to separate the two.

Hard question, though. I love most of the mutants, so I can't choose just one. Can you?

Oh, and I have to agree with you, I was expecting more from X3 too. It still makes me cry though, when Wolverine is pushing his way through Jean's evil vibes just so he can kill the woman he loves ... *tears*

I have high hopes for First Class. I had high hopes for Wolverine Origins though, and while it wasn't as bad as everyone told me it would be, I was still disappointed. First Class though ... fingers crossed. The whole story-line has so much potential.


obsessive_a101 February 26 2011, 16:35:56 UTC
*squees* DARK PHOENIX SAGA! Does that answer your question? ;) Honestly, I love the characters in general as well, but I think Jean Grey got me started on the trend of loving strong red-headed women who are awesome... (Well, her and Ms. Frizzle from The Magic Schoolbus. XD) I love Xavier as well though he can be... a bit interesting at times. LOL! I actually also like Magneto. I love comic-book/X-Men Animated Storm and Rogue, and Archangel IS cool.

Mystique is just KICK-a**, and I actually love Wolverine. He is surprisingly cuddly even outside of the movies despite his gruff attitude. I didn't really manage to read the comic books, but I caught up with story-lines through online resources, and... have you read/seen/heard of Jean Grey's last storyline? The one where she and Wolverine were flying towards the sun before they ended up on the moon? >>" Anyway, if that movie scene made you cry - this would possibly kill you ... so... actually...

Read this ficcy crossover instead! (I don't want anyone to die!): The Descent of Man by sheepfairy. It's a BSG/X-Men crossover with Charles Xavier and Laura Roslin. I'm not sure if you've read it yet, but judging from my own flail-y reactions to this fic, you may like it as well. :)


cj_quickwit February 26 2011, 23:53:28 UTC
Woah. No, I hadn't read that, but frakking thank you for reccing it. It was awesome - though I'm left really badly wanting more.

Yeah, I've read that storyline, just before she became White Phoenix and not as interesting. I did sob like a little girl towards the end. Guh. I think that's how my ship would swing, were I terribly inclined towards it in X-Men.

I had to google The Magic Schoolbus, just so you know. And I'm giggling - snorts and all - right now.


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