Knockback Protection IOs

May 22, 2007 12:02

Again, this is information I haven't seen posted anywhere so I just figured I'd share my personal experience. IMO, it's some of the most useful practical information I've found in applying anything IO. These IOs are now my absolute favorite new addition to the game.

The two IOs in question are -
Karma: Knockback Protection ( Read more... )

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Comments 21

wyndie May 22 2007, 16:35:34 UTC
Oo good to know! I've been looking for something like that for my rad defender! Now... off to WWs to see how much something like that goes for *winces*


dixey May 22 2007, 17:07:29 UTC
It really depends. The market's going crazy as more people realize the utility... which is opposite the way most IOs are going. Used to be you could get them for 500k or so, but last I checked they were around 10mil on and off. I *cough* waited to tell people what I knew until I had at least one per character I wanted them on. No need to increase my competition 0:)


wyndie May 22 2007, 17:11:37 UTC
I can't say as I blame you ;^)


linenoise May 22 2007, 22:45:09 UTC
I bought a Karma for 3 mil for my Earth/Kin a couple days ago. With large amounts of patience and frequent visits to the CH, you could probably get that down to 1 mil or so. Which, given how enormously effective and awesome the IO in question is... Worth every penny.


noisyparker May 22 2007, 17:01:43 UTC
I dunno why it didn't occur to me to do this on my kins... it really is perfect for that since I want to be right up front with them since that is where all the goodiez are. Plus they have ID to slot it in.


biomekanic May 22 2007, 17:13:17 UTC
Also nice, is that the effect is there no matter what the level. So... a friend helped me move my level 12 Steadfast that my Defender had to my lvl 38 scrapper, now I have 2 parts of the set. :) Might just slot a 2nd one in there so he can toe to toe with anything.


bittercupojoe May 22 2007, 17:39:03 UTC
I really wish they would make the status resistance IOs into status protection IOs. Status resistance is just this side of useless, but protection... man, I'd love to have a blaster that didn't have to worry about getting held/slept/stunned.


dixey May 22 2007, 18:38:33 UTC
I absolutely totally completely agree. Even if you had to get each type of status protection seperately and therefore would likely have to pick and choose. Combined with the fact that you cannot get the duration to zero (or even beyond 50%), so worthless the way it is now. I'm only bothering with the status resistance IOs on characters like my Raiding Empath. The rest... a toggle drop is a toggle drop is a toggle drop and it'll cost me a breakfree and the recharge time no matter how you look at it.


terrycloth May 22 2007, 19:16:13 UTC
On tanks and scrappers, the resistance will prevent toggle drops by keeping enemies from stacking mag to defeat your protection.

On squishies... a 3-second stun is probably survivable, a 6-second stun is likely fatal. It still matters. Especially if it can make their mez non-perma. Toggles still drop, but that's usually just an inconvenience (with the exception of rad/ defenders) (/rad trollers and dark/ defenders have ways of coping, and hurricane's debuff lingers for a bit).

I didn't know the status resist IOs were effectively set bonuses, though -- I thought they only stayed on as long as the toggles were up, which *would* make them useless. Haven't tried them out, though.

And yeah, protection would be better. Except in PvP, where there's too much protection already.


bittercupojoe May 22 2007, 19:21:00 UTC
True, but survivable doesn't necessarily mean fun. And it makes, for example, leaving hover on quite a bit more dangerous. If they would make it so that certain toggles didn't get turned off by status effects, that would be just fine by me.

Beyond that, the fact that there is no really consistent way to keep toggles up for squishies means that the fighting pool's pretty much worthless to them, and the tactics pool is a constant game of "Let's Retoggle!" Hell, if they suppressed the effects of toggles instead of turning them off, things would be better, for that matter. The whole defense system being so dependent on toggles is one of my least favorite things about CoH, really.


alessar May 22 2007, 21:20:15 UTC
Oh the delicious irony of slotting that into Increased Density... I love it! I was skeptical these would be too effective considering that Acrobatics is -100 KB (no, really...) but it sounds like this would be enough for my Kinetic; currently I'm going jumping with him for Acro but I'd rather have not had to go there.


dixey May 22 2007, 23:29:50 UTC
I like the irony of using *any* teammate buffs for these things. Though it's more giggle-worthy when they're buffs you actually have to click to get yourself... like if one slotted Regenerative Tissue's +Regeneration in, say, Adrenalin Boost. On the other hand, I'm a bad bad defender, because I had almost no qualms whatsoever about replacing a damres in ID & Shadowfall with my shiny KB enhancements.

As for the effectiveness, I learned the benefits backwards. My first thought was their usefulness against Hami and was slightly miffed but not surprised I'd need 3... but then to turn around and find that the vast majority of PvE experiences were nullified with just 1 was then a very happy discovery.


themadman August 13 2008, 13:45:00 UTC
Acrobatics is no longer 100 mag KB protection. I12 brought it down to 9 points.


alessar August 13 2008, 13:51:24 UTC
Why are you replying to a post that's over a year old?


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