[Accidental Video/Action] || Hunt 10 ||

Jan 16, 2011 21:08

[The communicator drops to the ground, falling out of Dean's pocket as he tried to keep himself alive. It switches on as it hits the ground. His wounds are clearly visible... or most of them, anyway - his shirt on one side was covered in blood from having a spear stuck in him earlier. He had no visible bite marks, however, and his injuries don't ( Read more... )

[ou] dean winchester

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Comments 80

Action; albinoidiot January 16 2011, 21:16:59 UTC
[Dante had been enraged ever since his mom got hurt that it reminded him he had a lot more people to worry about. He had a flock of individuals he couldn't see hurt and that's why, still in devil trigger, Dante had sniffed Dean out and found him at the brink of being overwhelmed.

Just as he appeared, he realized just how outnumbered the hunter was. Although he probably should have turned his devil trigger off, he didn't. Instead he kicked off from the ground claws high as he tackled a group that were right behind dean ready to slice him with their swords. Not on his watch, you ugly shits!]


Re: Action; 1/2 100deaths_a_day January 16 2011, 21:46:47 UTC
[Dean turned to see what the hell had happened behind him. he sees that... thing, and his brain just goes into complete 'holy crap' mode.]


Re: Action; 2/2 100deaths_a_day January 16 2011, 22:15:21 UTC
[And then he gets a tail through the back of the leg. He bites down on the grunt of pain, whirling around and shooting the son of a bitch point blank in the head, blue blood spraying out the back and over it's allies. He bent down and cut the tail off the lizard man with his knife, and pulled the tail (now detatched) the rest of the way through, not able to stop the grunt this time.] SON OF A BITCH!

[He notices the gun in his hand is the colt. He mentally assesses how many bullets he has... enough, considering he'd not used it until now. He could shoot another four bullets, and save one for that thing that had landed behind him. He ignores his leg creaming in agony, and jogs off (he couldn't manage a run, with his surprisingly minimal for the damage limp now slowing him down. He took aim and shot another of the lizardmen between the eyes as they started to follow him, probably enticed by the blood now running down his leg.]


Action; albinoidiot January 16 2011, 23:53:16 UTC
[Claws lashed out ripping the reptiles to shreds while he punched and kicked taking out the numbers heavily until the lizard people started dispersing. Clearly, they weren't stupid enough to bother but when they saw them run after Dean, Dante realized what was going on.]

Idiot, don't run away!

[He started running after these creatures making his doppelganger appear to make sure he got them before they got Dean. There were two beasts now. Creepy, hu?]


holy_pickle January 17 2011, 05:33:49 UTC
[Dende knew he probably should stay flying above the city but the second he saw Dean was hurt he rushed back down, quickly honing in on his life force. When he arrived and noticed Dean surrounded, he stealthily perched himself high out of reach of the lizard people. He knew he wasn't strong, but if he could distract them enough for Dean to attack...

Dende held out his hands and focused his ki into a small ball. Once he began losing control he held his hands out and aimed right for one of the lizard things heads, and for once his shot was dead on and the little ball of light hits it right in the face.]


100deaths_a_day January 17 2011, 09:39:46 UTC
[The ball of light hit one of the lizardmen to the right of Dean, staggering it. He caught the movement out of the corner of his eye, and turned to stab the stunned lizardman. His knife finds it's target, but he does it at the wrong moment, and another lizardman's tail goes through the back of his leg.]

[Knowing who's ball of light that was, he clenched his jaw, and clamped down his cry of pain, eyes watering when the lizardman pulled it back out. He shifted his weight off of his hurt leg, so he'd stay standing. He pulled out the colt, and shot the offender in the head. He's just gearing up for attacking the next one, when teeth sink into his shoulder from behind. He cried out in pain, but formed it into words through the pain.] Dende! Get the hell away!


holy_pickle January 17 2011, 15:38:55 UTC
I'm not leaving you! Just hang on Mr. Dean! I can heal you!

[He wasn't about to just leave someone in need especially such a close friend, it's why he went to rescue and heal Krillin and Gohan despite the danger of Frieza. And these things were no Frieza. He zips down from his perch and clings onto the back of the lizardman who was biting Dean, sinking his own small fangs into the creatures neck kicking and scratching to the best of his ability. He lets go for only a second to give dean a message before he continues his tiny assault on the lizardman]

Mr. Dean! Get the other ones! I have this one!


100deaths_a_day January 17 2011, 18:48:46 UTC
[He should have known he wasn't going to leave. Not that easily, anyway. He didn't really want to waste bullets... but he didn't want to let them get in close. His leg HAD nearly just been ripped off, after all, and he knew he wasn't going to be able to last forever... especially with the blood loss going at the rate it was. He had to try and finish this quickly.]

[He offloaded another bullet into one of them, and threw the knife at a second. The knife missed as it dodged to the left of his throw.] Son of a bitch! [he punched one that had got a little too close, staggering it backwards. Now how the hell to get his knife?]


Paradigm Shift -> War & Peace [Action] noras_boy January 17 2011, 18:04:54 UTC
[Is that the second silver-haired blur to come and help you? Why yes. Yes it is. He's running at... almost an unnatural speed as the lizard men are trying and failing to keep up with him. He looks to where the struggle is going on, and Turns, Two lurid white and black explosions kill the two lizard men who were chasing him. But... his power had hit a third.

Last Resort is a spell that will hit all targets simultaneously. One of the crowd fighting Dean was hit with the blast, clearing a little way for Hope to dash into. Back to back with Dean, he flicked his boomerang out.]

Hold on!

[The green rings shot up his body.]


Re: Paradigm Shift -> War & Peace [Action] 100deaths_a_day January 17 2011, 18:58:08 UTC
[He glanced at Hope momentarily. He didn't want the kid fighting, but he had to believe he could hold his own, not really able to try and convince him out of it. He slices at one that gets too close, but it dodges it, and retaliates with a flick of it's tail. It moved a little too fast for Dean to dodge, and he now had a tail through his leg. He clenched his jaw and managed to supress that cry of pain... only for his efforts to be wasted when it was pulled back out.] son of a BITCH!

[He pulled the colt out, and shot the offending lizardman in the head.]


Paradigm Shift -> War & Peace [Action] noras_boy January 17 2011, 19:01:16 UTC
This should help!

[Curasa's fly from his hands, as they change from Curasas to cures, the bluish tint grows lighter. He throws his boomerang at a Lizards head, the lizard falling to the ground unconcious.]

You've been bitten right?


Re: Paradigm Shift -> War & Peace [Action] 100deaths_a_day January 17 2011, 19:27:45 UTC
[He nods his head.] About... ten minutes after I left Willow to draw them away from the tower. I don't know how long ago that was.

[And his leg stopped hurting. He shifted his weight back onto it, and stepped fowards, closing the distance between him and a reptile and stabbing it in the soft spot under his chin, driving the blade through it's head, upward.]

Awesome, dude.


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