Title: Guilt Day/Theme: March 2nd/2. a lover as faithful as guilt Series: Junjou Romantica Character/Pairing: Nowaki/Hiro Rating: PG-13 Summary: Nowaki's gifts are always a little 'different.' Written for 31_days.
This is a Kazutaka Muraki/Tsuzuki Asato fanmix. It's been influenced by their interactions at tabloidroleplay. For dawnsshadow, without whom stalking would be far less of a sport. |D ♥
Title: Phones Fandom: Jurassic Park III Pairing: Billy Brennan/Alan Grant Rating: PG Notes: Written for alyse for the 2008 Yuletide Challenge. Rushed ending. Summary: Billy doesn't understand Alan's sudden aversion to cellphones. [JPIII aftermath]
[16 yu-gi-oh] (mostly the three Bakurae) [8 yu-gi-oh abridged series] [8 assorted] (the world ends with you, supernatural, ouran, junjou romantica, bleach)