Screaming in the New Year.

Jan 10, 2010 14:54

Time: Same night as last entry but later; also, it's New Year's Eve!
Location: At the heart of the circus, specifically the carousel

Another year was about to pass in the circus and a new one about to start. In the streets there was a steady flow of alcohol, music, and boisterous crowds; all in all not much different from any other night. There was, however, a celebratory sphere at the center of all the activity, lit up bright with the numbers 2010. Not that it mattered what year it was anymore, cut off from the world. The ball, a slightly smaller version of the one used in New York, was due to drop in less than 30 minutes.

Of course, Goshy knew nothing of this as he stood on the carousel with arms stiff at his sides. He took three shuffling steps forward until the ends of his shoes hung over the edge of the rotating platform. One more step and he would plummet a short distance to the ground. Slowly, the carousel began to turn and Goshy stood stiff as a mannequin, staring with bewildered marsupial eyes at the passing showgrounds. It seemed to dawn on him that something wasn't right. Then it started--a deafening noise like a screaming, sirening dog howl-- "EEEEEEEEE-EEEEEEEEEE!" It was Goshy. As the carousel turned, the noise went round and round with it like a lighthouse beam penetrating the showgrounds.

All those nearby ran or dropped to the ground, hands clapped over their ears at the shock of the audio-assault. Anyone who'd been on the carousel at the time quickly abandoned ship and the carnie operating the switches was helpless to stop the ride. So the noise went on and on like an air-raid siren.

[ooc] Yep, New Year's Eve because, well, January isn't over yet so why not. I should have mentioned it in the last entry but I didn't because [*insert stupid excuse here that no one believes*]. Also, this is Goshy, another Pilo clown. When in distress he makes an inhumanly loud and godawful-ear-bleeding noise that doesn't stop until his brother shuts him up.

trowa barton [ou], goshy [ou], *night, helena campbell/the princess [ou], the joker [ou], creepy, harley quinn [au], doopy [ou], gonko [ou], shalice [ou], minx nagakami

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