Welcome home, ladies and gentlemen! You're in for a treat.

Dec 29, 2009 14:11

Time: Day
Location: Anywhere in the city; though for new arrivals dropping in, it'll be somewhere near the frozen yogurt stand because life mocks you at every turn

Congratulations, young man/woman/abominable creature! Your day --and your life!-- is about to become much more entertaining, for you have been chosen at random by none other than the ( Read more... )

helena campbell/the princess [ou], stephanie brown [ou], *day, alice logan, patrick verona [ou], doopy [ou], elena, gonko [ou]

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Comments 40

sweet_ruffian December 30 2009, 01:06:13 UTC
An airport in Perth, Australia. Patrick Verona is boarding a plane from Australia back to the States after spending the holiday with family. He's very much looking forward to seeing Kat there waiting for him as soon as his plane touches down in Washington. But first the long, long flight over the Pacific. Afterward he'll have barely enough time to sleep off some of the jet lag but he won't miss New Years Eve with Kat for anything ( ... )


per_tinacious December 30 2009, 05:04:52 UTC
It apparently didn't matter to Babs-the-slave-driver that it was still technically the holidays. While Steph completely understood that crime doesn't take a holiday, Barbara didn't understand that regular people did! It was bad enough that her nights were filled with being batgirl instead of partying with her friends like normal college kids, now her days were filled with more work at the library getting things ready for the upcoming semester ( ... )


sweet_ruffian December 31 2009, 01:12:45 UTC
Still stricken, Patrick took in the sight of the girl but his mind was slow to process her presence. He was reluctant to move from his spot in the doorway for fear that it might somehow lead him more astray. But seeing her still standing there, he knew he had to do something.

"Um... oh, uh sorry," he apologized distractedly and slowly moved to unblock the doorway. A hand went to his forehead and he stared dazedly at a patch of floor. When it occurred to him that standing there staring at nothing wasn't going to get him any answers, Patrick looked up at the girl and noticed that she too wore a look of surprise.

"...Sorry, what ...just happened?"


per_tinacious December 31 2009, 01:31:51 UTC
The strange accent snapped her out of her what-the-hell reverie and she shook her head.

"What just happened? I think I just went through a portal and ended up in a less-warm Australia. Or ... England. I'm not too good with accents." He hadn't mentioned koalas or blokes so she couldn't be sure.

"This is supposed to be my school. And you probably think I'm crazy..."

Great, now the locals were going to take her to the loony bin before she could find out where the hell she was. At least it wouldn't be Arkham. They'd tear her apart.

"Could you tell me where I am?"


sweetie_meaties December 31 2009, 02:37:59 UTC

A red-haired woman was wandering down the street, swaying gently from side to side, almost as if she was dancing to music playing only for her. This place was unfamiliar to her, very unfamiliar, and she didn't like it. No, no, she didn't like it at all. She had been in her cottage in the woods, her home, her lovely home, that she and the Baby had built together. They had built it together to last forever, but she had stepped out of the door of her little cottage and instead of her woods, her beautiful, cold, stark woods, she had stepped out of the door to this.

To this, this, THISNo, no, no, no, this was wrong, this was allll wrong. It had to be fixed, but for it to be fixed, she needed to know where she was, where she was and why she wasn't at home ( ... )


clownbossgonko December 31 2009, 19:24:51 UTC
From a cluttered alleyway, a clown was watching. Gonko had arrived just moments ago and upon finding himself in the middle of the street in broad daylight, quickly dove into the nearest alley and hoped that nobody had seen him. Once out of sight, he'd immediately wanted to smash something, kick something, kill something, scream out obscenities. The rage was uncontainable yet he somehow managed to keep from erupting into a scene of catastrophic fury ( ... )


petulant_clown January 6 2010, 03:01:02 UTC

The voice, coming from a near-by alley, was loud, and very, very whiny. It continued it's odd call once more, then once more again, before falling silent briefly.

And then it started again.

"Gooooshyyy! Goshy, where are ya? Why'd ya hafta go and leave, Goshy? Why'd ya hafta? I don't like it, Goshy, I don't like it! Goshy! C'mon, Goshy, you shouldn't'a oughtn't'a run off like his Goshy! It's not funny! Gonko's gonna be real mad, Goshy, he's gonna be real mad, so we gotta oughta get back now, Goshy, now! Goooooshyyyy!"

He could go on like this all day.


clownbossgonko January 6 2010, 04:33:23 UTC
A crate of used liquor bottles exploded under the force of the pipe, colored shards flying everywhere like confetti. Gonko stood in the midst of the broken down trash heap and brought a boot down hard over the crate. What was left of it splintered and cracked into broken boards. Now that the air was clear of racket, he could hear a familiar whiny mantra threading its way through the alley.

"Doops?" He stood with the pipe dangling from one hand at his side, ears perked. For the moment his rage was suddenly swept aside. The unmistakable rambling went on and on.

Following the sound Gonko stumbled out of the wreckage, glass and loose gravel crunching underfoot. He peered out from one end of the alley, looked back and forth, saw no one else around, then shouted in a commanding voice, "DOOPS! Where are ya?"


veryusefulbook January 5 2010, 02:31:59 UTC
Helena Campbell was, on any other day, lively, delightful, whimsical and pretty damn hardcore if the situation called for it but today she was baffled, blank, and a little bit more curious than usual ( ... )


alicelogan January 5 2010, 03:35:51 UTC
Alice had apparently adjusted quite well to the change of scenery. She didn't wonder about trivial things like where she was or how she had gotten there. She didn't care about the grey people wandering around the grey town. There were more important things to worry about, such as the horrible looking black imps that danced just outside her peripheral vision and the intermittent flashes of gruesome and brutal murder that she saw occasionally in her own mind.

Despite the horror in her own head, Alice was smiling. She was a very happy young woman, especially now with her strawberry froyo. Delicious. The lady that had gotten it before her didn't even seem to care that Alice was eating it now. How nice.

When Helena entered the establishment and sat down Alice perked up even more. Helena wasn't grey at all! In fact, she was just bursting with colour. With a grin plastered on her face, Alice and her yogurt bounced over to where the other young lady was seated and sat down beside her.

"Hello. I'm Alice. Yogurt?"


veryusefulbook January 5 2010, 03:45:19 UTC
Helena wasn't sure to jump for joy or quirk her head. So she did a little bit of both. Her lips curled into a smile, her eyebrows lifted at a questioning angle, and suddenly, yes, the world was still bizarre and not okay, but at least it was lively.

"I'm Helena. Helena Campbell." The name Alice rung a bell somewhere but sense she couldn't remember meeting anyone at home named Alice she let it slip away and focused on the young woman before her. Smiling up at her she nodded her heads insinuation that she would love some yogurt. She was in a yogurt shop, so, why not?

"Uhm, could you by chance tell me where I am? I mean, I know I'm in a yogurt stand, but I don't know what city this is..." She was trying not to sound crazy, but it probably couldn't be helped. It was probably also too late for that anyway since she was already roaming the streets of said strange city and sitting in a yogurt stand in her pajamas.


alicelogan January 5 2010, 04:29:47 UTC
"Hell-N-ah. Nice to meet you. Here." She reached over grabbed another mostly untouched cup of froyo from an unsuspecting man in a stupid hat and handed it to Helena before taking another bite of her own.

"Nope. Can't help you. Don't know where this is. I was in my white room and now I'm in this room which is much nicer because it has these delicious treats. It's cold, though." She smiled.

She was dressed in loose, pale green clothing that resembled doctor's scrubs without any pockets. The word "Arkham" was written on the back of her shirt in black letters and her feet were bare.


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