Welcome home, ladies and gentlemen! You're in for a treat.

Dec 29, 2009 14:11

Time: Day
Location: Anywhere in the city; though for new arrivals dropping in, it'll be somewhere near the frozen yogurt stand because life mocks you at every turn

Congratulations, young man/woman/abominable creature! Your day --and your life!-- is about to become much more entertaining, for you have been chosen at random by none other than the ( Read more... )

helena campbell/the princess [ou], stephanie brown [ou], *day, alice logan, patrick verona [ou], doopy [ou], elena, gonko [ou]

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veryusefulbook January 5 2010, 02:31:59 UTC
Helena Campbell was, on any other day, lively, delightful, whimsical and pretty damn hardcore if the situation called for it but today she was baffled, blank, and a little bit more curious than usual.

One minute she had been sleeping. Or was she? She was fairly certain she had been sleeping... in her bed, at home. When she woke up, however, she was placed ever so neatly between two silver garbage cans without lids. The smell was probably what called her from her blissfull dream, or maybe it was the sound of cars and people's feet on concrete that had called her forth.

Using the wall behind her and the garbage bins next to her she pulled herself up looking around rather confused. Quickly enough the confusion was replaced with shock. This was not a dream. This was not her bedroom. This was not London at all.

She looked down at her feet. She was still wearing her pajamas: a baggy white t-shirt that hung down to her knees, a pair of pajama pants with faded bunnies on them, and matching bunny slippers on her feet.

"Oh no... Not again." her british accenting her hopeless disgust of her situation.

She hung her head low and slumped against the wall letting loose a long sigh. The "not again" part wasn't her largest concern, rather, that this place didn't at all look like anything she had drawn before... Where the hell was she?

Pushing herself off the wall she started walking out of the alleyway she woke up in and turning a corner spotted a frozen yogurt stand. Rolling her eyes to the sky she steps forward and stumbles inside. Looking around anxiously, hoping no one really notices she's in her pajamas, she finds a seat and plops down to think this over...


alicelogan January 5 2010, 03:35:51 UTC
Alice had apparently adjusted quite well to the change of scenery. She didn't wonder about trivial things like where she was or how she had gotten there. She didn't care about the grey people wandering around the grey town. There were more important things to worry about, such as the horrible looking black imps that danced just outside her peripheral vision and the intermittent flashes of gruesome and brutal murder that she saw occasionally in her own mind.

Despite the horror in her own head, Alice was smiling. She was a very happy young woman, especially now with her strawberry froyo. Delicious. The lady that had gotten it before her didn't even seem to care that Alice was eating it now. How nice.

When Helena entered the establishment and sat down Alice perked up even more. Helena wasn't grey at all! In fact, she was just bursting with colour. With a grin plastered on her face, Alice and her yogurt bounced over to where the other young lady was seated and sat down beside her.

"Hello. I'm Alice. Yogurt?"


veryusefulbook January 5 2010, 03:45:19 UTC
Helena wasn't sure to jump for joy or quirk her head. So she did a little bit of both. Her lips curled into a smile, her eyebrows lifted at a questioning angle, and suddenly, yes, the world was still bizarre and not okay, but at least it was lively.

"I'm Helena. Helena Campbell." The name Alice rung a bell somewhere but sense she couldn't remember meeting anyone at home named Alice she let it slip away and focused on the young woman before her. Smiling up at her she nodded her heads insinuation that she would love some yogurt. She was in a yogurt shop, so, why not?

"Uhm, could you by chance tell me where I am? I mean, I know I'm in a yogurt stand, but I don't know what city this is..." She was trying not to sound crazy, but it probably couldn't be helped. It was probably also too late for that anyway since she was already roaming the streets of said strange city and sitting in a yogurt stand in her pajamas.


alicelogan January 5 2010, 04:29:47 UTC
"Hell-N-ah. Nice to meet you. Here." She reached over grabbed another mostly untouched cup of froyo from an unsuspecting man in a stupid hat and handed it to Helena before taking another bite of her own.

"Nope. Can't help you. Don't know where this is. I was in my white room and now I'm in this room which is much nicer because it has these delicious treats. It's cold, though." She smiled.

She was dressed in loose, pale green clothing that resembled doctor's scrubs without any pockets. The word "Arkham" was written on the back of her shirt in black letters and her feet were bare.


veryusefulbook January 5 2010, 04:47:39 UTC
The way she tried to sound out her name reminded her of the first time she met Valentine. The memory made a smile flutter to her face her eyes getting a little shifty. She was never good with the emotional stuff so she was always a little weary around people when she started feeling them. Didn't like getting caught in the act.

She smiled up at Alice, though, when she randomly produced some frozen yogurt for her. "Nice to meet you, too. And thanks." She lifted the spoon from the yogurt and started shoveling it in. Good stuff, really.

She noted Alice's clothes. Didn't say anything, though. How could she? She was in pajamas, and she had no idea what Arkham was anyway. Maybe a hospital she worked at and for some reason her shoes were gone? Helena decided not to ask.

"So you were somewhere else, too? How bizarre..." Helena pondered into her yogurt. What was going on here?


alicelogan January 5 2010, 05:00:09 UTC
"Yes. But I'd rather be here. The people are grey. Like zombies. It's funny." She giggled. The floor appeared to be opening up into a portal to hell, but she was busy talking to her new friend, so it could wait.

"I miss Dolly. And Jonathan. But here is nice. The mayor must have wanted us to visit. Why else would we be here? I like your clothes."

It was nice to have someone to talk to other than herself, even if the words were coming out very fast and some of them probably didn't make sense to anyone else.


veryusefulbook January 6 2010, 04:05:29 UTC
Helena stared at her for minute. She knew and understood that her concept of people was if not similar just as bizarre... on the really shoddy days anyway, but still, she couldn't help but feel a little bit more comfortable with Alice than she thought she should.

She shrugged the feeling away. Besides, Alice was the first person to sit and talk with her, not to mention get her some yogurt, and she even didn't mind the pjs.

"The Mayor wanted you to visit? So you must be from a different city... So am I... If I knew where I was, though, I might be able to get back home... That is, if I think I am where I hope I am. If not, I'm in trouble..."


alicelogan January 6 2010, 06:27:13 UTC
"Trouble? what did you do? I'm always in trouble. It's stupid. You talk nice..." She paused, seemingly lulled by Helena's accent. Her eyes closed and she swayed back and fourth for a while.

Suddenly, a few seconds later, she announced, "I'm from Gotham City, but it isn't home. This could be home. It needs some friends."


veryusefulbook January 6 2010, 06:43:25 UTC
She quirked her brows as she swayed a bit... reminded her of someone... The name of the city was vaguely familiar too but only in the sense that she had heard about it before or seen it in the news or read it in book. Hard to say.

No doubt about it, though, this girl was strange, but in her experience that was almost normal for her... at least... yes, it was safe to say that this was almost normal.

"Well, if I don't know where I am, and if I'm not where I think I am, then it would be very hard to get back home as well as trying to explain how I got here in the first place..." Her voice trailed off as she took in the scenery. She could have sworn she was in a dream, but even her dreams weren't like this. Her dreams were filled with people made out of stone and books and everyone wore masks... this was almost too real.

She shrugged her shoulders. "In every place its good to have friends. Is there anyone else here you know from Gotham City? Did you travel on a bus or something?"


alicelogan January 6 2010, 06:58:04 UTC
"I don't know yet. I just got here. I ... poofed." She smiled brightly. One moment she was in her room at the asylum, about to go down to the lunch room, and then she was here where the yogurt was. Delicious.

"We should be friends! We know each other, and I like to hear you talk. It fits. We are friends. Let's go outside!"

And just like that, Alice was off the seat and out the door, twirling around in the middle of the street.


veryusefulbook January 7 2010, 02:30:16 UTC
For a few baffled moments Helena stared after Alice watching her exit the building and through the glass windows next to her watched as she twirled about in the street.

Confused and amused she abandoned her yogurt and chased after her.

"So where do we go now?" She called after her twirling form.


alicelogan January 7 2010, 02:41:03 UTC
"Wherever we want!" She yelled back. She was laughing now. It felt nice to be free, to be outside, to be in the light. Nothing was burning and nothing had to burn. It was a good day.

Suddenly, she stopped in the middle of the street and stared ahead like a deer caught in headlights.

"It's dark over there." She pointed to the end of the city, at the dark horizon where the shadows sat, waiting. Through Alice's eyes, it looked as though skeletons of dogs were running along the edge of town chasing mini grim reapers. They looked funny. Alice giggled.


veryusefulbook January 7 2010, 05:16:35 UTC
Helena couldn't help but laugh as she dodged random strangers, running past them in her bunny slippers after another girl running around in strange clothes twirling through the streets. This was so bizarre and so surreal the laughter couldn't help but bubble up and pour from her lips like music.

When she finally caught up to Alice she breathed in deep, laughing and coughing, while still trying to pay attention to what Alice was telling her... Something about the edge of the city.

Looking up she lifted her hands from off her knees where she had placed them to bend over and catch her breath. Yes, she noticed it: the strange shadows just hovering on the horizon.

"What on Earth...?


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