And In The End, part 2

Dec 23, 2009 23:15

author: cindy_lou_who8 
pairing: Eric/Sookie, Bll/Sookie
rating: R this section
word count: ~1000
Summary: Set directly following season 2, Sookie searches for answers
A/N: This is my first venture into this fandom. Concrit and comments are definitely welcome.  Sorry for the delay in posting part 2.  Real life and all.

Part 1

Part 2

Sookie did not think she would fall asleep very easily. She was so worried about Bill, but there was nothing more she could do at this point. Eric was looking into it. And if Bill couldn't stop his attacker or attackers, there was no way she would be able to do so. As strong as she felt from fighting off the maenad, she wasn't sure she was ready to take on any supernatural creatures.

So, she lcollapsed on her bed, still in her lavender finery, and tried to keep her emotions under control, not wanting to give in to the overwhelming sadness and despair she was feeling. Despite her whirling emotions, she soon fell into a sound sleep.

She wasn't sure how long she had slept when she sensed a presence close to her, arousing her from slumber. Her first thought it was Bill, but the scent was all wrong. The solid body in bed with her was vampire, but it was not Bill. It was Eric. And he was not wearing any clothing.

Eric was rock hard and smooth and smelled of something exotic and foreign. “Eric?” Sookie said tersely. “What are you doing in my bed and why on God's green earth are you naked?”

Eric laughed quietly, a low rumble from deep within his chest. “After I left, I went to check Bill's house to see if anything had happened there. I checked all around the house and yard and got a bit dusty from the renovations that Bill has been undertaking. I did not think you would appreciate me tracking that into your bed.”

“Who says I appreciate you being in my bed at all?” Sookie was still terse but she couldn't deny the sparks of sexual tension between them.

Sookie stiffened suddenly and sneezed. She sat up abruptly and turned on the light next to the bed. Scrutinizing Eric as carefully as she dare, after all he was still completely naked, she found the offending silvery threads of fine dust, and flicked them to the floor. She crossed her arms across her chest and readied herself for the verbal onslaught of erotic come-ons that she was sure Eric was about to verbalize. Instead he completely surprised her by giving her a slightly sheepishly concerned smile, and quietly said “Bless you, Sookie.” It was not normally in his habit to participate in the irrelevant practices of humans, but he allowed himself this slight discretion considering the circumstances.

He sat up and turned away from her and pulled his jeans up off the floor and quickly slipped back into them, timed perfectly so she that had no choice but to admire his very fine ass. Blushing slightly, she thanked him and relaxed her posture slightly. Eric smiled, his porcelain white teeth gleaming in the lamplight.

“Eric, why are you here? Why did you come back?” She forced herself to not stare at Eric's perfectly sculpted biceps, reminding herself that she was all but engaged to Bill. She didn't even know the extent to which Eric was involved in Bill's disappearance, if at all.

“I sensed your . . .distress.” He paused on the last word, as if he were internally translating from his ancestral language.

“You didn't need to sense any such thing. You know I'm upset! Bill suddenly going missing while I'm in the bathroom; of course I am distressed, Eric!”

Eric studied her, noting even in her rage, her beauty. There was something else there, he couldn't quite discern. Their blood bond was not (yet) strong enough for him to get to the root of the emotion that was lying beneath the surface. “Sookie, is there something you have not told me?”

“Eric, I told you what happened. We had a quiet dinner. I went to the ladies room. I came back, and Bill was gone. You saw what the restaurant looked like, with the chairs toppled over and everything.” Sookie was dangerously close to falling apart again, on the edge of losing her control in front of Eric.

“I believe you. You've given me no reason to doubt you and I would know if you were lying to me. I know you care deeply for Bill. I just wondered if there was something more.” He scrutinized her once more, as if he were trying to glamor her into revealing her innermost thoughts and secrets.

“Eric, I love him!” Sookie jumped up from her bed, fists clenched.

Eric knew this, but it was another thing to hear her say it. “And what of me Sookie,” he asked, rising quickly and coming to her side. “What do you feel for me?” He grabbed her quickly by her shoulders, suddenly aware of the time. He kissed her hard on the mouth, pressing his body against hers, so she could feel his erection pressing up against her body.

And just as quickly as he had kissed her, he was dressed and out the window before she could even react to his invasion of her personal space. She put a finger to her lips, tender from the intensity of his kiss. She let her finger linger there for a moment, and then put the thought of Eric out of her mind.

She slowly began to undress, carefully hanging up the exquisite lavender dress, before she went to wash her face and brush her teeth. Once her ministrations were complete, she could see the faint light creeping over the horizon through the window Eric had quickly exited. She sat down on her bed with her purse and took out the small velvet box. Opening it, she was once again struck by the beauty of the ring that Bill had chosen for her, and let the tears fall.

sookie, fanfic, eric, bill, true blood

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