FIC: Better Late Than Never (11/11)

Jun 26, 2010 15:48

Title: Better Late Than Never
Author: Cindy
Rating: PG13
Timeframe: Season 5, post-Intervention
Characters/Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Disclaimer: The characters aren't mine, but Joss said I could play with them
Written for: dettiot for the Welcome Back to the Hellmouth Ficathon, who requested S/B, humor, season 4 or 5, and Spike introduces Buffy to something ( Read more... )

pairing: spike/buffy, fic: btvs, fic: better late than never, fic, series

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Comments 37

rahirah June 26 2010, 23:21:18 UTC
Oh, come on, you can't not want to write a sequel where Ethan and Randal plot the imminent death of all mankind! :D


cindergal June 27 2010, 22:24:03 UTC
Always leave them wanting more. ;-)

Thank you, Barb!


timeofchange June 29 2010, 02:42:45 UTC
You took the thoughts right out of my head!


goldenusagi June 26 2010, 23:39:00 UTC


cindergal June 27 2010, 22:23:21 UTC
Thank you!!!


rebcake June 27 2010, 00:00:49 UTC
Hee! Can't win for losing. However, I foresee a strong and lasting alliance for the good guys. The forces of chaos won't have a chance!

So, so fun, m'dear! The whole I'm honored, You should be. Oh, I am... exchange was prime banter.

*happy now*


cindergal June 27 2010, 22:24:48 UTC
Yay! So happy you enjoyed it. :-)


seapealsh June 27 2010, 03:47:07 UTC
Well, that was just.....neat. Lovely banter in the epilogue. I foresee a bright future for those kids. Please write more Spuffy as the muse inspires. You always write it well.


cindergal June 27 2010, 22:25:20 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm very glad you enjoyed it. :-)


petzipellepingo June 27 2010, 09:21:40 UTC
"Shut up, Spike."

That's my girl! Best non-date ever.


cindergal June 27 2010, 22:25:56 UTC
Hee! And thank you. :-)


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